[Tex/LaTex] Problem displaying degrees celsius with siunitx and xelatex


I'm trying to discuss a temperature in a document where I'm using xelatex and siunitx.

       The temperature was further increased to \SI{200}{\degreeCelsius}.

When using xelatex this causes a hollow box to appear in place of the unit. When using pdflatex and a distribution supplied font it works fine. Is there a solution to this that I have missed?

This is a link to a character guide for the font — ITC Baskerville Std Roman — I'm using.

I've also tried Times New Roman with no joy.

I'm using a fully updated texlive 2011.

Many thanks,



 \setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Times New Roman}

 The temperature was \SI{200}{\degreeCelsius}.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Expanding on Joseph's answer, you can find a matching font that has the required symbol; for instance, if your Times New Roman hasn't the ℃ symbol, then you can do

\newfontfamily{\tgtermes}[Ligatures=TeX]{TeX Gyre Termes}


\newunicodechar{℃}{{\tgtermes ℃}}
\sisetup{text-celsius = ℃}

thereby using the different font only for the character you need. Alternatively, you can also try faking the symbol:

\sisetup{text-celsius = $^\circ\mkern-1mu$C}

(adjust the amount of kerning).