[Tex/LaTex] Preventing page break after the first or before the last list item


Is there a way to globally prevent all lists from having a page break inserted between the first and second items or between the last and second-last item? I'm fine with page breaks that are after the second item and before the second-last item, but I do not want the first item or the last item to be alone.

I know that I can use "\nopagebreak\@nobreaktrue" to prevent a page break at a specific location, but I don't want to have to insert it manually, nor do I know how to insert it automatically via macros.

(I've searched everywhere for many hours but couldn't find a solution, and I'm a beginner in LaTeX so I can't figure out how to solve it myself.)

Best Answer

I've adjusted \pagetest so that if you reduce the rule to 6.31in you get all 5 items on one page.


\newcommand{\pagecheck}[1]% #1 = legnth to end of page
{\ifvmode\vspace{-\parskip}\else\newline\fi% check for blank line between items

\setlength{\pagetest}{0.55in}% adjustable

\newcommand{\newaux}[2]% #1 = label, #2 = text
{\expandafter\gdef\csname AUX@#1\endcsname{#2}}

\newcommand{\getaux}[1]% #1 = label
{\@ifundefined{AUX@#1}{0}{\csname AUX@#1\endcsname}}

\newcommand{\writeaux}[2]% #1 = label, #2 = text



\global\advance\itemtest by -1

\global\advance\itemno by 1
\ifnum\itemno=\itemtest \pagecheck{\pagetest}\fi%


\noindent\rule{\textwidth}{6.32in}% adjustable

\item first
\item second
\item third
\item fourth
\item fifth

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