[Tex/LaTex] Porting the luatex/ConTeXt module “translate” to lualatex


In this question, which I posted a few weeks ago to TeX Stack Exchange, I asked how one should go about disabling specific ligatures (such as ff, fi, fl, and ffl) automatically for a list of pre-defined words. The answer I received was based on ConTeXt, which can access lua(tex) commands directly. In particular, the code that @Aditya came up with includes the commands


The ConTeXt command \usemodule is similar to the LaTeX command \usepackage. The \translateinput command provided by the translate module (which is contained in the file m-translate.mkiv) relies on the lua function resolvers.openers.helpers.textlineactions, which hooks into the function that luatex uses to read files. According to @Aditya,

no one has written similar functionality for lualatex. Perhaps, you could ask it as a separate question, and one of the lualatex experts will be able to answer with a solution.

Here, then, is my question: Can someone provide the lualatex equivalent of the following ConTeXt code (which may involve re-writing/adapting the translate module to lualatex):



\definetextmodediscretionary * {\prewordbreak\discretionary{-}{}%


Ligatures not disabled:\\
shelfful selfish halflife cufflink 

Ligatures disabled:\\
shelfful selfish halflife cufflink

enter image description here

(Note that while a 0-kern separator seems to be appropriate for the words shelfful and selfish typeset with CM, it's not quite adequate for the f-l and ff-l ligatures. However, I'll leave the question of how to define commands that allow for distinct kerning amounts for various combinations of ligated letters for a different, future question…)

Best Answer

This is more a proof-of-concept than a real bulletproof style file, but it does what you request:

The style file (filterltx.sty)


  local replace = {}

  local filter = function ( buf )
    local start,stop,init,pos
    local positions = {}
    for k,v in pairs(replace) do
      local init = 1
        start,stop = string.find(string.lower(buf),k,init,true)
        if start then
          init = stop
          pos = string.find(v,"|*|",1,plain)
          positions[#positions + 1] = pos + start - 2
      until start == nil
      for i = #positions,1,-1 do
        buf = string.sub(buf,1,positions[i] ) .. [[\penalty10000\discretionary{-}{}{\kern.03em}\nobreak \hskip 0pt plus0pt minus0pt]] .. string.sub(buf, positions[i] + 1)
    return buf

  function enablefilter()
    luatexbase.add_to_callback('process_input_buffer', filter, 'filter')

  function disablefilter()
    luatexbase.remove_from_callback('process_input_buffer', 'filter')

  function translateinput( arg1,arg2 )
    replace[arg1] = arg2



and the test document (test.tex):




Ligatures not disabled:\\
shelfful selfish halflife cufflink 

Ligatures disabled:\\
shelfful selfish halflife cufflink\\
Shelfful Selfish Halflife Cufflink

Ligatures not disabled:\\
shelfful selfish halflife cufflink 

% to make sure the words still hyphenate:
% \showhyphens{shelfful selfish halflife cufflink}
% yields: shelf- ful self- ish half- life cuff- link

Run with lualatex test.

The output: filteroutput