[Tex/LaTex] Plot using Hobby


Help me to plot the following plot using Hobby.
enter image description here

I have tried to plot it. My code is

\begin{tikzpicture}[use Hobby shortcut]
 \draw (-.3 ,1).. (0, 0) .. ( 1.2 , 0 ) .. ( 0 , 0 ) .. (-.3 ,-1);
 \draw (.45, 0) .. ( .9 , 0 ) .. ( .6 , 0 ) .. ( .7 , -0.01);
\draw  (-.15, 1.2).. (-.01, .2) ..(.01, .22).. (.6, .1) .. ( 1.3 , 0 ) .. ( 0 , -.1 ) .. (-.3 ,-1.2);
\node[inner sep=1pt,circle,fill=black] at  ( .7 , -0.01) {};

Please correct my code to get the desired fig. Also I want to write HL adjacent to the Fig.

Best Answer

The figure can be written as in the following example.

  • The arrow tips are placed as decoration markings. See the answer of Alain Matthes and section 30.5.1 Arrow Tip Markings of the TikZ & PGF manual.

  • Styles are defined to make the \draw commands more compact:

    • Style /my marks collect the arrow mark settings via option mark.
    • arrow mark and reversed arrow mark sets an arrow tip or an arrow tip in reversed direction. The mark option setting is stored in /my marks.
    • Style do marks installs the decoration with the arrow tip markings on the path. It used /my marks,therefore it must be specified after (reversed) arrow mark.
  • The label "HL" is put right below the drawing, flushed to the right.

  • BTW, the vertical coordinate values are flipped, therefore the y unit is set to a negative value (y=-1bp).

    (I had taken the coordinates from the image positions in gimp, where the vertical positions go from the top to the bottom.)


    use Hobby shortcut,
    every circle/.style={radius=2},
    my marks/.style={},
    arrow mark/.style={
      /my marks/.append style={
        mark=at position #1 with {\arrow[ultra thick]{stealth}},
    reversed arrow mark/.style={
      /my marks/.append style={
        mark=at position #1 with {\arrowreversed[ultra thick]{stealth}},
    do marks/.style={
          /my marks,
    \fill (60,57) circle;
      arrow mark=.14,
      do marks,
      arrow mark=1,
      do marks,
      shorten >=1pt,
    \fill (118,50) coordinate (cross) circle;
      arrow mark=.06,
      reversed arrow mark=.24,
      reversed arrow mark=.78,
      arrow mark=.92,
      do marks,
      below left,
      inner sep=0pt,
      outer sep=0pt,
    ] at (current bounding box.south east) {HL};
