[Tex/LaTex] Plain beamer presentation with metropolis title page


I would like to create a presentation with a minimal/simple theme, but with a nice title page like metropolis. I cannot figure out how to use only the title set up of metropolis without having to use the complete theme for the rest of the slides (which I do not like).
I have tried adding the title part of the metropolis theme to the presentation

  \setbeamertemplate{title page}{
    \ifx\inserttitlegraphic\@empty\else\usebeamertemplate*{title graphic}\fi
    \usebeamertemplate*{title separator}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Beamer's definition of |\insertauthor| is always nonempty, so we have
% to test another macro initialized by |\author{...}| to see if the user has
% defined an author. This solution was suggested by Enrico Gregorio in an
% answer to \href{https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/241306/}{this
% Stack Exchange question}.
 %    \begin{macrocode}

Any help is appreciated.

Best Answer

You need to load some more elements (and explicitly load TikZ) to reproduce metropolis title frame over a default beamer theme.

Following code just loads title frame format, used colors come from default theme.


\setbeamertemplate{title page}{
    \ifx\inserttitlegraphic\@empty\else\usebeamertemplate*{title graphic}\fi
    \usebeamertemplate*{title separator}
  \usebeamertemplate{title page}
\setbeamertemplate{title graphic}{
  \vbox to 0pt {
\setbeamertemplate{title separator}{
    \fill[fg] (0,0) rectangle (\textwidth, \metropolis@titleseparator@linewidth);

\author{John Doe}
\title{Presentation with Metropolis title frame}


\begin{frame}{example frame}


enter image description here