[Tex/LaTex] Place image behind text in beamer


I'd like to put am image in a certain position on the title page in beamer. I also don't want it to interrupt the text flow, i.. I want the image to appear "behind" the text.

Any ideas?

Best Answer

Redefine the background (or background canvas) templates to include your image; using TikZ you can place it in a \node and control its attributes (e.g., position, opacity):


\title{The Title}
\subtitle{The Subtitle}
\author{The Author}
\institute{The Institute}

\setbeamertemplate{background canvas}{%
    \tikz[remember picture,overlay]%
        \node[opacity=0.1] at (current page.center)%

Test frame


enter image description here


\setbeamertemplate{background canvas}{%
    \tikz[remember picture,overlay]%
        \node[opacity=0.1] at (current page.center)%

in the preamble, causes the background image to appear in all the frames.