[Tex/LaTex] PGF/TikZ arrow line width not consistent with line width


I have a document I created several months back, and maybe with a new version of PGF/TikZ it is not working as previously (currently using Arch Linux, TexLive 2011, pgf version 2.10). The fast question is that I have a picture like this:

\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\draw [line width=4pt,->,line join=round,line cap=round,red!50] (tl2) -- (tl1);

where tl2 and tl1 are previously defined nodes. Line is displayed right, with a width of 4pt, but the cap is displayed as if the line had a smaller width, obtaining the following:

arrow tip with inconsistent width

The question is, how can I get the tip of the same width as the line?

This may be related with this other question regarding line width in layers, but I'm not sure: Bug in TikZ? Line width on layers


I include minimal compilable code to show the behavior:



I have ...

\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\coordinate[xshift=-1.8cm] (tl1) at ([yshift=-2cm]current page.north east);
\coordinate[xshift=-1.8cm,yshift=2cm] (tl2) at (current page.south east);
\draw [line cap=round,line width=4pt,->,red!50] (tl2)  -- (tl1);
\node [above,right=5pt,scale=.7,color=black!50] at (tl1) {timeline};



I use remember picture because I reuse the tl1 and tl2 nodes defined here.


Well, I found pdflatex fails with that rendering, but the combination, for example, of latex + dvipdf works as expected. I checked this with Ubuntu 11.10 and Arch Linux, both running TexLive 2011, so the problem may reside in the TL2011's pdflatex.

Best Answer

An minimal example, which shows a correct arrow tip:

\newcommand{\putnode}[2][]{\tikz[overlay,remember picture]{\node (#2) {#1};}}


\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
  \draw [line width=4pt,->,line join=round,line cap=round,red!50] (tl2) -- (tl1);
  \node [right of=tl1, color=gray] {\Large\textsf{timeline}};

Compiled also with TeX Live 2011 and pgf 2.10:

arrow with tip