[Tex/LaTex] pgf macro that returns a node


How can I write a macro that returns a coordinate (or a node). The node must be usable within a tikzpicture environment and preferably inside a path declaration.

I need something like the following (it doesn't compile). I am not sure if pgfcoordinate is the correct way to go…



    \pgfmathsetmacro{\x}{\pgfmathparse{#1} \pgfmathresult} % actually do some calculations
    \pgfmathsetmacro{\y}{\pgfmathparse{#2} \pgfmathresult} % actually do some calculations
    \pgfcoordinate{\x}{\y}} % I want this node to be returned.


\node at \mycoord{1}{2} {some text}; % I want to use the calculated node


the error message is

Package tikz Error: Cannot parse this coordinate.

Best Answer

This a normal error. Tikz waits coordinates something like (3,0) or (a) where a is the name of a node. I think you do not use correctly \pgfcoordinate I never use this macro so perhaps I'm wrong but this macro defines quickly a name of a node associates with coordinates. You can define your macro outside the tikzpicture.




\node[draw] at (a) {good}; 
\node[draw] at (0,0) {bad};

The next code is interesting only if you want to modify \xand \y



    \pgfmathsetmacro\x{5} % or what you want
\path \pgfextra \mycoord{1}{2} \endpgfextra node[draw] (f) at (\x,\y) {end}; % 
\draw (d)--(f) ;