[Tex/LaTex] Page numbering only in first page and not in all the document


I am only getting the first page numbered and subsequently it is not numbering the following pages. The error starts after the article title which depicts the abstract and then starts with the text, therefore I cannot use \clearpage.
I have attached some code here.



        \paragraph*{Keywords : }




Additionally, the problem might be cause from the includes\titlePagewhich I am attaching here:

% On the header of the title page
\lhead{\includegraphics[height=0.8cm]{./images/Uni-logo.png} \\\textit{Chair of Uni}}

% On the authors and the title of the project
\vspace*{3 mm}
\begin{center}\huge{\textbf{Title of article}}\\[10pt]\end{center}
\begin{center} \textbf{Author}\\[5pt]\end{center}

Best Answer

\pagenumbering{gobble} is a not-really-good way how to hide page numbers (and possibly confuse LaTeX). You seem not to want to hide them, so you probably want to remove this line.

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