[Tex/LaTex] Page numbering error in table of contents

page-numberingtable of contents

I'm preparing my thesis report. My table of contents starts from roman page number (iii) and has a total of 3 pages. But unfortunately the last page of toc shows page number (iii) again. Same is the case for the lof (3 pages). I am using \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{report}. I'm a beginner in LaTeX, so please help me.






Best Answer

You shouldn't give repeated \pagenumbering{roman} commands: LaTeX just knows the page numbers.

Be careful to issue the \addcontentsline command at the right time, that is, after a new page has been started.




\cleardoublepage % if some contents comes before









  some text
  some text
  some text

\many % make as much contents as to produce three pages in the toc


You can vastly simplify the input by using the tocbibind package and the book class.


\pagestyle{plain} % this is what report uses








  some text
  some text
  some text



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