[Tex/LaTex] ! Package keyval Error: hyperref undefined. l.4319 \ProcessKeyvalOptions{Hyp}


I know that the question may be too stupid, but I'm trying to compile the TeX file of Calculus Made Easy by Silvanus Thompson available at this page with TeXworks but the compiling always end up with the following line:

! Package keyval Error: hyperref undefined.

See the keyval package documentation for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.4319 \ProcessKeyvalOptions{Hyp}


And I'm a complete noob at LaTeX and I have no clue of what's going on. I've googled a little but it seems that none of the results I've seen adress the problem I'm having. Yes, I've pressed H <Return> but then there's a lot of stuff appearing on the screen and I'm lost again.

Best Answer

The hyperref package does not provide a hyperref key, which is exactly the use case in your template (lines 209-226):

209: \usepackage[pdftex,
210:   hyperref,% <---------------- problem....
211:   hyperfootnotes=false,
212:   pdftitle={The Project Gutenberg eBook \#\ebook: Calculus Made Easy, 2nd Edition},
213:   pdfauthor={Silvanus Phillips Thompson},
214:   pdfkeywords={Paula Appling, Don Bindner, Chris Curnow, Andrew D. Hwang,
               Project Gutenberg Online Distributed Proofreading Team},
215:   pdfstartview=Fit,    % default value
216:   pdfstartpage=1,      % default value
217:   pdfpagemode=UseNone, % default value
218:   bookmarks=true,      % default value
219:   linktocpage=false,   % default value
220:   pdfpagelayout=\PDFPageLayout,
221:   pdfdisplaydoctitle,
222:   pdfpagelabels=true,
223:   bookmarksopen=true,
224:   bookmarksopenlevel=0,
225:   colorlinks=true,
226:   linkcolor=\HLinkColor]{hyperref}[2007/02/07]

Remove it and try again...