[Tex/LaTex] Overfull \hbox in subsection


Apologies that my document has a very long preamble, it is a RSC template that I have modified to fit the specifications of my dissertation. I have some subsections with very long chemical names as their titles and these are producing overfull \hbox errors. I am happy for the subsection titles to incorporate a dash in order for it to go over to the next line without exceeding the bounds of the document. Is there a way that I can do this automatically. \usepackage{microtype} does not help. I am aware that I can manually add a dash and then use \sloppy, but is there a way I can produce the same effect automatically? Thanks in advance. Example below:

\oddsidemargin 2.0cm %this makes the bound margin
\evensidemargin 0cm
\textwidth 15cm %controls column width, indirectly
\headheight 1.0in
\topmargin -3.0cm %can be used to adjust top and bottom margins
\textheight 22cm % if both margins top and bottom margins are too small this          must be changed
% \usepackage{times}
% feel free not to use mathptmx if it causes difficulties
\usepackage{graphicx} %eps figures can be used instead
\usepackage{titlesec, blindtext, color}


\rfoot{\thepage }
%Page  \hspace{1pt} of \pageref{LastPage}

\spacing{1.3} %this is where the spacing is controlled

\hrule width 7.5cm height 0.4pt \vspace*{5pt}} 

\def\subsubsection{\@startsection{subsubsection}{3}{10pt}{-1.25ex plus -1ex minus -.1ex}{0ex plus 0ex}{\normalsize\bf}} 
\def\paragraph{\@startsection{paragraph}{4}{10pt}{-1.25ex plus -1ex minus -.1ex}{0ex plus 0ex}{\normalsize\textit}} 


\subsection{\textit{P,P'}-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-\textit{P,P'}-1,3-phenyleneesterphosphinousacid (\textsuperscript{tBu}POCOP)\cite{Goettker-Schnetmann2004b}}


problematic result

Best Answer

I work with a lot of ancient Greek names that don't automatically break even when I use \hyphenation{Tol-ist-o-bog-ii} in the preamble. I'll manually create breakpoints in the text itself using \-, e.g. Tol\-ist\-o\-bog\-ii.

In your case this leaves a dash if you stick one (\-) before the parenthesis (where it seems to work).

I'd just use a \\ instead but this is probably bad form.


\subsection{\textit{P,P'}-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-\textit{P,P'}-1,3-phenyleneesterphosphinousacid \\ (\textsuperscript{tBu}POCOP)\cite{Goettker-Schnetmann2004b}}

There's this with a little more info: Breaking words at the end of line