[Tex/LaTex] Outlined characters in Beamer


Following Outlined characters, you can make selectable outlined text using the contour package. For example, the following writes "Text text text contour text", with "contour" in green with a red outline. It compiles and displays as expected (using pdflatex and lualatex):

Text text text \contour{red}{\textcolor{green}{contour}} text.

However, when I try to do the same in a Beamer presentation—

Text text text \contour{red}{\textcolor{green}{contour}} text.

—it fails to compile, with the error

! Use of \\@contour doesn't match its definition.
\beamer@ifnextcharospec #1#2->\def \reserved@a {
                                                #1}\def \reserved@b {#2}\fut...
l.14 \end{frame}


How can I use the outline effect in a Beamer presentation?

Best Answer


Apparently, beamer redefines \textcolor in a way that makes it fragile.

If you \usepackage{beamerarticle} in your article MWE, you experience the same problems as with beamer.

Long answer

What is the difference between Fragile and Robust commands?

Short answer


  • \contour{<color>}{\protect\textcolor{<color>}{<text>}} or
  • \textcolor{<color>}{\contour{<color>}{<text>}}.


Text text text \contour{red}{\protect\textcolor{green}{contour}} text. \\
Text text text \textcolor{green}{\contour{red}{contour}} text.

