[Tex/LaTex] One bibliography section per bib file (biblatex?)

biblatexmultiple files

I have two .bib files, and I would like to get two separate bibliography sections, each of them containing references from one file. More precisely, I have mine.bib and external.bib, and I would like the entries from mine.bib to go in a section "List of publications" and the ones from external.bib to go to "External bibliography".

Using biblatex, I found a lot of ways to get several bibliography sources (\addbibresource) and several bibliography sections (essentially, call \printbibliography several times with different parameters), but I can't find a way to filter according to the bibliography source.

biblatex seems the best candidate, but I'm not tied to it so any answer using another tool would be welcome.

The use-case is to write an activity report where my list of publications has to be separate (because it is evaluated as such), but where I could also \cite other people's paper.

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

(Answer adapted from Printing only one bib file. Thanks to @moewe for the original answer and @Ulrike Fischer for pointing it to me.)

One solution is:

  • Add a keyword to each entry coming from a given file
  • Filter on this keyword when printing the bibliography

This solution requires biber and won't work with a plain bibtex.

A complete example:


  author      = {Myself},
  title       = {My first paper},
  author        = {Myself and My Coauthor},
  title         = {My second paper},
  author        = {Edsger W. Dijkstra},
  title         = {Why numbering should start at zero},
  editor        = {Kevin Hely},
  date          = {1982-08-11},
  url           = {https://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/EWD/transcriptions/EWD08xx/EWD831.html},
  urldate       = {2013-08-19},
  gender        = {sm},
  keywords      = {numbering},
  title         = {An Introduction to Non-Classical Logic},
  subtitle      = {From If to Is},
  author        = {Graham Priest},
  edition       = {2},
  year          = {2012},
  isbn          = {978-0-521-67026-5},
  publisher     = {Cambridge University Press},
  location      = {Cambridge},


% Add the keyword "self" to everything coming from self.bib.
      \step[fieldset=keywords, fieldvalue={,self}, append]

  I wrote several papers like \cite{mine1} and \cite{mine2} and other
  people did too \cite{Dijk:Numbering,priest:IntNonClassLogic}.

  % Disable automatic title for \printbibliography, we'll display it
  % ourselves.

  \section{List of publications}

  \section{External bibliography}

The resulting PDF file:

enter image description here

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