Omit Heading in BibLaTeX – How to Omit Heading in BibLaTeX with printbibliography


Is it possible to omit the heading when I use the \printbibliography command?

I want to print two different bibliographies one after the other and need to add some text between the second heading and the bibitems.

1 References



2 Sources

Some text here but just a little bit



Best Answer

Yes, if you just want to get rid of the headings, just use \printbibliography[heading=none]. You have other options to customize the headings through \defbibheading (see section 3.6.7 of the biblatex manual). There are several predefined headings which you can choose by specifying the option [heading=] to \printbibliography, none is one of these.

Note that if you want to add some text between the heading and the list of references, you also have the option prenote which you can supply to \printbibliography.

Here is an example using prenote and title to change the title of the second reference list.


author = {Author, A},
title = {An interesting paper},
journal = {Journal},
year = {2012},
volume = {2},
pages = {70--76},
author = {Buthor, B},
title = {An also interesting paper},
journal = {Journal},
year = {2012},
volume = {2},
pages = {77--79},


\lipsum[1] \cite{A2012}


\lipsum[2] \cite{B2012}

\defbibnote{note}{Here are some additional references for further reading}



And the output:

enter image description here