[Tex/LaTex] omicron not working in LaTeX


I find out that \omicron is not working in LaTeX, at least for the latest MacTeX I installed.


\( \omicron \)

From List of Mathematical Symbols in Wikibooks there is such command. But from AMS Short Math Guide it says

In the list of lowercase letters there is no omicron because it would be identical in appearance to Latin o.

My question would NOT be why there isn't such command, how I can get it work, etc.

But rather, why things like this documented in many places (the wikibook is not the only place listing that command), but almost no one seems to mention it doesn't work (the AMS guide is the few example saying it).

Best Answer

\omicron is not mentioned in most latex guides as there is no such command by default. The mention of it in the wikibook was an error that has apparently been corrected since you asked the question.

You could use


if you are using classic TeX fonts that do not have a full Greek math alphabet.

If you are using xelatex or lualatex you could use unicode based math fonts that do have full math alphabets and an omicron that is distinct from o.

The unicode-math offers \upomicron for upright omicron, and \mitomicron for math italic omicron, and defines \omicron as an alias for \mitomicron.