[Tex/LaTex] Numbers keep continuing – Problem with subfig and ContinuedFloat


I have a problem with the numbering in continued subfloats. I just changed my package (subfigure) to subfig because I read that this allows me to continue subfloats on a new page using the command \ContinuedFloat.

However, now I have the problem that the numbering (actually lettering) of subfloats continues, even if I close the figure environment and make a new one (containing subfloats) – see screenshot attached.

This problem happens more than once, but here is an example of code.

edit: I have narrowed it down: every time I use \ContinuedFloat the next normal figure environment will also be a continuation.



\begin{figure}[H]   \centering
\subfloat[Sommer während Schwall -- Überblick]
        \caption{Habitatverteilung für den Istzustand im Sommer (Bachforelle) -- Übersicht}

\begin{figure}[H]   \centering
\subfloat[Sommer während Schwall -- Detail 1 \label{dr:s:ist:d1}]
\subfloat[Sommer w. Schwall -- Detail 2]

\subfloat[Sommer w. Sunk -- Detail 1]
\subfloat[Sommer w. Sunk -- Detail 2]
        \caption{Habitatverteilung für den Istzustand im Sommer (Bachforelle)}

\begin{figure}[H]   \centering
         %--- NOT CONTINUEDFLOAT - but it does continue with the letters ---
\subfloat[Winter während Schwall -- Detail 1]
\subfloat[Winter w. Schwall -- Detail 2]

\subfloat[Winter w. Sunk -- Detail 1]
\subfloat[Winter w. Sunk -- Detail 2 \label{dr:w:ist:d2}]
        \caption{Habitatverteilung für den Istzustand im Winter (Bachforelle) }


I have been using \phantomcaption for when I don't need to display the first caption. That causes no problems in the further numbering.

Help would be much appreciated because I am totally losing my nerves with subfigures.
– Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

Short answer:

Switch to the subcaption package.

Long answer:

The problem comes from a bad interaction between the H placement specifier from the float package and subfig, as the following reduced example shows:



\caption{First part of a continued float}

\caption{Second part of the continued float}

\caption{Another independent figure with subfigures}


enter image description here

Removing the H placement specifier fixes the problem with the subfigures, but creates another one:



\caption{First part of a continued float}

\caption{Second part of the continued float}

\caption{Another independent figure with subfigures}


enter image description here

Now, the subfigures are correctly numbered, but figures are not. The definitive solution is to switch to the subcaption package (you can even use again the H specifier). In the following example I used \subcaptionbox, but the package offers also a subfigure environment:



\caption{First part of a continued float}

\caption{Second part of the continued float}

\caption{Another independent figure with subfigures}


enter image description here

The demo option for graphicx simply replaces actual figures with black rectangles; do not use that option in your actual document.