[Tex/LaTex] numbering sections in thesis


I know these type of questions have been asked previously, but i am still having problem with the numbering of sections and subsections in my thesis. I have the following MWE:


{\bf \underline{List of Abbreviations used in the thesis}}\\
ECM \quad \quad\quad\quad\quad Elliptic Curve Method

\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Abbreviations}




and in Chapter Introduction, I have the following MWE:

In the first section of this chapter,...

\section{Elliptic Curves}

One of the major problems of...

\subsection{Curves of genus zero}
An important..

\subsection{Curves of genus one}
An elliptic..

\subsection{Curves of higher genus}

\section{Literature review}

I want the numbering to be :

1. Introduction
   1.1 Elliptic curves
       1.1.1   Curves of genus zero
       1.1.2   Curves of genus one
       1.1.3   Curves of higher genus
   1.2 Literature review

enter image description here

Best Answer

This answer is rather meant as kick into the right direction...

I took the O.P.'s 'MWE' and removed the errors and the deprecated syntax parts, added (one of many ways, however) to provide the List Of Abbreviations.

However, the numbering is expected, not like in the O.P's screenshot.

Some other error must be occuring in a part of the original document which is not shown here, unfortunately.




\newacronym{ecm}{ECM}{Elliptic Curve Method}


\printnoidxglossary[type=acronym,title={List of Abbreviations used in the thesis},toctitle={List of Abbreviations}]

%% This is wrong/deprecated 
%{\bf \underline{List of Abbreviations used in the thesis}}\\
%ECM \quad \quad\quad\quad\quad Elliptic Curve Method
%\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Abbreviations}

%\setcounter{page}{1} % Not necessary, since `\pagenumbering{arabic} sets the page counter always to 1 


\section{Elliptic Curves}

One of the major problems of \gls{ecm}

\subsection{Curves of genus zero}
An important..

\subsection{Curves of genus one}
An elliptic..

\subsection{Curves of higher genus}

\section{Literature review}


enter image description here

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