[Tex/LaTex] Notes in Beamer document class: lonely \item


I am having a problem with preparing my Bachelor Thesis presentation. Whenever I try to add notes with the enumerate or itemizeoption the compiler returns the following error error:

! LaTeX Error: Lonely \item–perhaps a missing list environment.

See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.

Type H for immediate help.

l.14 \end{frame}

Here's an MWE:

\title{Test Title}
\author{Test Author}

\documentclass[8pt, notes]{beamer}

    \frametitle{Test Frame}


    \note[itemize]{\item Test note 1 \item Test note 2}

Best Answer

itemize is not a valid option for the \note{} command. See this question and answers on how to get itemize bullets inside \note{}. Alternatively, use [item] as an option to get an enumerated list.