[Tex/LaTex] Not changing subfigure numbering while using command \only<>{ on beamer


I am trying to create slides with sub-figures that will appear and disappear when the next slide will appear. So far everything looks perfect but my main problem is with sub-figure numbering. When the slides are initialized the numbering starts with (a) which is correct. On the second slide I would expect to see the subfigure as (b) but I see (a) again.

While I was looking online for people having the same problem, I found all this possible solutions:

Beamer + subfigure numbering

Where I tried all solutions:

\setcounter{subfigure}{0}% Reset subfigure counter

\@addtoreset{subfigure}{framenumber}% subfigure counter resets every frame

\usepackage{etoolbox}% http://ctan.org/pkg/etoolbox
\AtBeginEnvironment{figure}{\setcounter{subfigure}{0}}% Resets subfigure counter at start of figure environment

Unfortunately this did not work. I searched more and I found also:

Problem with subfigure numbering using ContinuedFloat

Where I tried:


Which is similar to the previous solution, but unfortunately this did not work either.

Does anyone sees something that I am missing? Where I am going so wrong? Working sample of my code is provided under. In order to test the code just use an blank image.




\usepackage{caption} %caption for figures
\usepackage{subcaption} %subfigures

\usetheme{Dresden} % so so
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} %take out the navigation symbols
  \insertshorttitle\hfill\insertframenumber\,/\,\inserttotalframenumber}%page numbering

%\makeatletter %reset the numbering on the subfigures (1)
%\@addtoreset{subfigure}{figure} %reset the numbering on the subfigures (2)
%\makeatother %reset the numbering on the subfigures (3)

\title[Title Description] % (optional, only for long titles)
{Main Title}
\author[Author 1, Author 2]% (optional, for multiple authors)
{Number 1 \and Number 2}
\institute[Institution Here] % (optional)
\date[2014]{Presentation: 1, 2014}
\subject{Department \LaTeX}


 % Upper part of the page
 \includegraphics[width=0.15\textwidth]{image}\\ [0.3cm]    

 \emph{Supervisor:} \\  
  Dr.~First name \\
  \textsc{Last name} 

\section{Section 1} \label{sec:one}

 \subsection{Subsection 1}
 \begin{frame}{Frame Text 1}
  \setbeamercovered{dynamic}%Makes the text appear before it presents nice!!!! 
  \begin{columns}[t] % contents are top vertically aligned
  \begin{column}[T]{5cm} % each column can also be its own environment
        \item<+-| alert@+> Text column subfigure 1:~\autoref{fig:colsub1}.
        \item<+-| alert@+> Text column subfigure 2:~Figure:~1b.
        \item<+-| alert@+> Text column subfigure 3:~Figure:~1c.
        \item<+-| alert@+> Text column subfigure 4:~Figure:~1d.
 \begin{column}[T]{5cm} % alternative top-align that's better for graphics
        \caption{Column subcation 1} \label{fig:colsub1}
        \caption{Column subcation 2} \label{fig:receiver}
        \caption{Column subcation 3} \protect\label{fig:worst}
        \caption{Column subcation 4} \protect\label{fig:best}
  \captionsetup{justification=centering} %Center a two line caption
  \caption{Main Caption for Column subfigures} \protect\label{fig:5}%~\cite{wsn}

Best Answer

Finally after all of experimentation I found the solution to my problem. I noticed that things get complicated when I use the final \only<4>{}. If I do not use the final \only<4>{} the enumeration continues normally but not the expected output.

So I searched for alternative solutions and I found the \visible{}, with reference to this question:

Beamer: How to show images as step-by-step images

So my final solution is provided in case that someone else might have the same problem. For each picture you might need to play with \vspace*{-1.0} etc. in order to get the desired output.


\usepackage{cleveref} % autoref

\usetheme{Dresden} % so so
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} %take out the navigation symbols
  \insertshorttitle\hfill\insertframenumber\,/\,\inserttotalframenumber} %page numbering

\title[Title Description] % (optional, only for long titles){Main Title}
\author[Author 1, Author 2]% (optional, for multiple authors){Number 1 \and Number 2}
\institute[Institution Here] % (optional)
\date[2014]{Presentation: 1, 2014}
\subject{Department \LaTeX}


    % Upper part of the page
    \includegraphics[width=0.15\textwidth]{image}\\ [0.3cm]    
    \emph{Supervisor:} \\  
      Dr.~First name \\
      \textsc{Last name} 

\section{Section 1} \label{sec:one}
  \subsection{Subsection 1}

\begin{frame}{Frame Text 1}
 \setbeamercovered{dynamic}%Makes the text appear before it presents nice!!!!
  \begin{columns}[t] % contents are top vertically aligned
   \begin{column}[T]{5cm} % each column can also be its own environment
        \item<+-| alert@+> Text subfigure:~\autoref{fig:a}.
        \item<+-| alert@+> Text subfigure:~\autoref{fig:b}.
        \item<+-| alert@+> Text subfigure:~\autoref{fig:c}.
        \item<+-| alert@+> Text subfigure:~\autoref{fig:d}.
  \begin{column}[T]{5cm} % alternative top-align that's better for graphics
       \caption{First subfigure}
     } % Closing visible<1>
       \caption{Second subfigure}
     } % Closing visible<2>
       \caption{Third subfigure}
     } % Closing visible<3>
       \caption{Fourth subfigure}
     } % Closing visible<4>
    \captionsetup{justification=centering} %Center a two line caption
    \caption{A figure}\label{fig:1}


Sample of output