[Tex/LaTex] Nomenclature per chapter


I would like add a nomenclature at the end of each chapter of my dissertation, including the parameters of that chapter.



\chapter{First Chapter}
\section{Introduction 1}
Only $a$ will be discussed in this chapter. So, i do not need $N$ in the nomenclature. Besides I would like to have the nomenclature as a non numbered section (not a chapter).
\nomenclature{$a$}{The number of angels per unit area}%

\chapter{Second chapter}
\section{Introduction 2}
Only $N$ will be discussed in this chapter. So, i do not need $a$ in the nomenclature. Besides I would like to have the nomenclature as a non numbered section (not a chapter).
\nomenclature{$N$}{The number of angels per needle point}%


Thank you all for your help.

Best Answer

I can do it "manually" with the other nomenclature package: "nomentbl". You have to configure the tex compiler. I used Texstudio so I add an user command in:

Options > Configure Texstudio > Build > User commands then put these command in

makeindex -s nomentbl.ist -o %.nls %.nlo enter image description here Normally, you have to do the following procedure to have nomenclature:

Compile > Make index > Recompile

The principle is the same: when you run a make index, Latex will generate an .nls file. Next time you compile, the nomenclature will appear.

So instead of run a second compile, all you need is create a file name nomen_chap0x then you copy the content in the .nls file into the nomen_chap0x then you put the command : \input{nomen_chap0x}. When you compile, the nomenclature will appear in the section.

The important thing is you have to delete the .nls file and comment all of nomenclature in the chapter to avoid the same nomenclature's appearance in the next chapter.

In the second chapter, you have to create another nomenclature, used only for this chapter, and you repeat the procedure above

Her an mwe for what I'm talking about:


\usepackage{amssymb, amsmath, mathtools}    % math formulations
    \makeatletter % to put nomenclature in the section range of the TOC

\section{Example 01}
\mathbf{J_i} =  - {D_i}\left( {\nabla} {c_i} + \dfrac{{{z_i}F}}{{RT}}{c_i} {\nabla} \varphi  \right)
where $ \mathbf{J_i} $ is the ion flux, $ D_i $ is the bulk diffusion coefficient of the ionic species, $ F $ is the Faraday constant, $ R $ is the universal gas constant and $ T $ is the temperature

\nomenclature[A]{$ D_{i} $}{Bulk diffusion coefficient of the species}{\si{\square\m / \s}}{}
\nomenclature[A]{$ F $}{Faraday constant}{\si{\coulomb / \mole}}{}
\nomenclature[A]{$ R $}{ Universal gas constant}{\si{\J / \kelvin \mole}}{}
\nomenclature[A]{$ T $}{Temperature}{\si{\kelvin}}{}
\nomenclature[A]{$ z $}{Charge number of the ionic species }{}{}
\nomenclature[A]{$ J $}{ Flux of the ionic species}{\si{\mole / \m^2 \s}}{}
\nomenclature[G]{$ \varphi $}{Total electric potential}{\si{\volt}}{}
\section{Example 02}
The Ohm's law:
R_{s}= \frac{U}{I}
where $ R_s $ is the resistance (\si{\ohm}), $ U $ is the voltage (\si{\volt}) and $ I $ is the electric current (\si{\ampere})
\nomenclature[A]{$ R_s $}{Resistance}{\si{\ohm}}{}
\nomenclature[A]{$ U $}{Voltage}{\si{\volt}}{}
\nomenclature[A]{$ I $}{Electric current}{\si{\ampere}}{}

Here is the results:

enter image description here

I also put the entire mwe folder fmi: enter link description here

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