[Tex/LaTex] New symbol of infinity similar to a ‘w’ or omega


I would like to have a symbol that is similar to a w ou a omega, and I want it to be made from the infinity symbol \infty by 'erasing' the top part of it. I would prefer to trim out only the "upper v" part of the infinity symbol, as to have the new symbol resemble more an omega.

Best Answer

Based on the original guidance to trim the upper part, one can adjust the .4\LMex clipping amount to suit the desired look.

\newcommand\altinfty{\ThisStyle{\clipbox{0pt 0pt 0pt .4\LMex}{$\SavedStyle\infty$}}}
$\lim x \rightarrow \altinfty$

$\scriptstyle\lim x \rightarrow \altinfty$

$\scriptscriptstyle\lim x \rightarrow \altinfty$

enter image description here


Based on a comment by the OP, an alternative, rather than clipping, is to overlay a strategically placed white rectangle:

$\lim x \rightarrow \altinfty$

$\scriptstyle\lim x \rightarrow \altinfty$

$\scriptscriptstyle\lim x \rightarrow \altinfty$

enter image description here