[Tex/LaTex] New command for filtered colimits and limits


I would like to define a new command (called colim) for filtered colimit (also sometimes called direct limit …) as nice as the command $\varinjlim$ in amsmath package.

So far, I tried $\newcommand{\colim{\operatornamewithlimits{\underset{\longrightarrow{colim}}$

but I find the arrow too thin and its positioning too low compare to $\varinjlim$. How can I get exactly the same (and centered) arrow than this command ?

Edit: with the answer of egreg, it is easy to also get a new command for filtered limit obviously (called colim with a leftarrow below)

Best Answer

Adapt the definition of \varinjlim:


    \hfil$#1\operator@font colim$\hfil\cr




enter image description here

A variant, suggested by Manuel, with a smaller arrow. However, this also requires a redefinition of \varprojlim and \varinjlim for uniformity:


    \hfil$#1\operator@font colim$\hfil\cr




enter image description here

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