[Tex/LaTex] n siunitx number formatting option equivalent to pgfplots’s “fixed relative”


I need to typeset a table with units, so I'd like to use siunitx for that. However, I don't want scientific notation, but a given number of figures. pgfplots has the fixed relative option for that purpose:

  pgf standard format:\\
  \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,fixed relative,precision=3}
  desired format:\\

This is the output of the above code:

enter image description here

I'd like to get the same output with siunitx, if possible. I've tried explicitly disabling scientific-notation, but as it seems that key is only useful for enabling scientific notation when siunitx would otherwise not use it:



enter image description here

One possibility would be to redefine \SI{}{} and \num{} to use \pgfmathprintnumber{} and disabling siunitx's number parsing, but I'd like to know what else I could do.

My current workaround is:


but this doesn't let me pass options to \pgfmathprintnumber. Passing options to \SI works well, as in \SI[per-mode=fraction]{1e-3}{\meter\per\second}.

Best Answer

This is possible in version 2.5, which deals correctly with fixed exponent of zero

  pgf standard format:\\
  \pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,fixed relative,precision=3}
  \sisetup{scientific-notation = fixed, fixed-exponent = 0, round-mode = figures,
    round-precision = 3}
  desired format:\\
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