[Tex/LaTex] Mutual coupling and Circuitikz


I am desperately trying to draw mutual coupling between two inductors, something like this:

M between the two curved arrows.


M above the curved arrow.

where the actual focus is on the mutual coupling M of the two coils. When I searched the web, I stepped over these two image which were part of a lecture on electrical circuits. Apparently, they are done using Circuitikz, but i was unable do identify the author to ask him directly.

So for example, I would like to add mutual between these two coils:




  \draw (0,0)
  to[sV=$V_0$] (0,2)
  to[L=$L_1$] (2,2)
  to[short] (2,0)
  to[L=$L_2$] (0,0) ;
 \caption{Two coils without mutual coupling.}


Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

This is one possible solution. amssymb is used for loop currents.

enter image description here




\draw (0,0) to [R=$R_1$] (2,0) -| (3,-1) to [L,l_=$L_1$] (3,-3) |- (-1,-4) to [V,l=$v_g$] (-1,0) -- (0,0)
(1,-2) node[scale=6]{$\circlearrowright$}
(1,-2) node{$I_1$};
\draw (5,0) to [short] (7,0) -| (8,-1) to [R=$R_2$,] (8,-3) |- (4,-4) to [L,l_=$L_2$] (4,0) -- (4,0) --(5,0)
(6,-2) node[scale=6]{$\circlearrowleft$}
(6,-2) node{$I_2$};
\draw [fill=black] (2.5,-1)node(a){} circle (2pt);
\draw [fill=black] (4.5,-3)node(b){} circle (2pt);
\draw [<->,>=stealth] (a)  to [bend left] node[pos=0.5,fill=white] {M} ++(2,0);


\draw (0,0) to [R=$R_1$,i=$I_1$] (2,0) -| (3,-1) to [L,l_=$L_1$] (3,-3) |- (-1,-4)   to [V,v=$v_g$] (-1,0) -- (0,0)
(1,-2) node[scale=1.5]{$M\frac{di_2}{dt}L_1\frac{di_1}{dt}$};
\draw(1,-0.5)node{-} to [open] (1,-3.5)node(){+}; % adding polarities
\draw(2,-0.5)node{+} to [open] (2,-3.5)node(){-}; % adding polarities
\draw (5,0) to [short,i<=$I_2$] (7,0)  -| (8,-1)   to [R=$R_2$,] (8,-3) |- (4,-4)   to [L,l_=$L_2$] (4,0)  -- (4,0) --(5,0) 
(6,-2) node[scale=1.5]{$L_2\frac{di_2}{dt}M\frac{di_1}{dt}$};
\draw(5,-0.5)node{+} to [open] (5,-3.5)node(){-}; % adding polarity
\draw(6,-0.5)node{-} to [open] (6,-3.5)node(){+}; % adding polarity

\draw [fill=black] (2.5,-1)node(a){} circle (2pt);
\draw [fill=black] (4.5,-3)node(b){} circle (2pt);
\draw [<->,>=stealth] (a)  to [bend left] node[pos=0.5,fill=white] {M} ++(2,0);