[Tex/LaTex] Multiple authors with different primary affiliation, but same additional affiliation


I am writing a paper with 2 authors that have different primary affiliations. However, they both have a common additional affiliation. Currently, this is what I do:

%%%% Proceedings format for most of ACM conferences (with the exceptions listed below) and all ICPS volumes.

\usepackage{booktabs} % For formal tables




\acmConference[THIS '17]{Some ACM Conference}{July 2017}{Anywhere, USA} 


\title{My Title}

\author{Author One}
  \institution{Secondary Organization}
  \institution{My Company}
  \streetaddress{1234 Here Ave}

\author{Author Two}
  \institution{Secondary Organization}
  \institution{Other Company}
  \streetaddress{5678 There St}

%\author{Author Two\footnotemark[1]} % Next attempt: use this line instead of \author{Author Two} and \additionalaffiliation

Here is my abstract

\keywords{this, that, another}



Unfortunately, this creates two separate footnotes that say the exact same thing: "Also with Secondary Organization." Is there any way to just use one symbol next to both names so that they reference the same footnote?

I've also tried:

\author{Author Two\footnotemark[1]}

for the second author's name instead of using \additionalaffiliation again. This does produce the desired effect, but with a side effect too. Elsewhere in the document, when the authors are referenced, it outputs:

Author One, Author Two[1].

Best Answer

Here's a solution. I've made a new command \addauthornote which takes a single argument, a number corresponding to the n-th additional affiliation. This will add the footnote mark corresponding to that additional affiliation and add it to the current author.

Here's a complete example using 4 authors with 2 additional affiliations.

%%%% Proceedings format for most of ACM conferences (with the exceptions listed below) and all ICPS volumes.

% Use this command to add an existing supplemental affiliation to an author
% \addauthornote{1} adds n-th additional affiliation mark.   


\usepackage{booktabs} % For formal tables




\acmConference[THIS '17]{Some ACM Conference}{July 2017}{Anywhere, USA} 


\title{My Title}

\author{Author One}
  \institution{Author 1 Secondary Organization}
  \institution{My Company}
  \streetaddress{1234 Here Ave}

\author{Author Two}
  \institution{Author 2 Secondary Organization}
  \institution{My Company}
  \streetaddress{1234 Here Ave}

\author{Author Three}

  \institution{Other Company}
  \streetaddress{5678 There St}


\author{Author Four}

  \institution{Other Company}
  \streetaddress{5678 There St}


Here is my abstract

\keywords{this, that, another}



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