[Tex/LaTex] Multiple Arrows on Lines


I have been trying to draw a diagram that looks a little bit like the MWE below shows; as the title suggests, I'm wanting to place labeled arrows (only two labels: a or b) indicating a direction in the middle of each edge.

I'm hoping there is a cleaner way to do it than calculating the position for each vertex and drawing an edge with an arrow for a particular direction; alas, even something as rudimentary as that escapes me because I'm not familiar with this package.

I've been searching this site (as well as whatever sites Google thought were relevant), and so I know I can do the above using Loop Space's answer from TikZ: How to draw an arrow in the middle of the line? The problem I experience with this approach is the size of the arrow heads seems to clutter the diagram a lot more than I want (I haven't actually tested the full set, just the bottom edge).

To summarize: is it possible to set up a command that distributes a certain number of arrows (on the bottom edge, for example, I'd want 6 exactly) uniformly using a prescribed direction for each arrow (after looking at my free-hand drawing, it might be easier to simply have the arrows alternate)?

        \draw (0,0)--  (3,5.196);
        \draw (2,0)--  (5,5.196);
        \draw (4,0)--  (7,5.196);
        \draw (6,0)--  (9,5.196);
        \draw (0,0)-- (6,0);
        \draw (1,1.732)-- (7,1.732);
        \draw (2,3.464)-- (8,3.464);
        \draw (3,5.196)-- (9,5.196);
        \draw (0.5,0.866)-- (1,0);
        \draw (1.5,2.598)-- (3,0);
        \draw (2.5,4.33)-- (5,0);
        \draw (4,5.196)-- (6.5,0.866);
        \draw (6,5.196)-- (7.5,2.598);
        \draw (8,5.196)-- (8.5,4.33);

Best Answer

Some thing like this? The distribution is manual and in this case not uniform.

    arrowmark/.style 2 args={decoration={markings,mark=at     position #1 with \arrow{#2}}}
        \draw (0,0)-- node {} (3,5.196);
        \draw (2,0)-- node {} (5,5.196);
        \draw (4,0)-- node {} (7,5.196);
        \draw (6,0)-- node {} (9,5.196);
        \draw (0,0)--  (6,0);
        \foreach \x/\a in {0.1/a,0.26/b,0.43/c,0.6/d,0.76/e,0.92/f}{
        \path (0,0) -- node[xshift=-1mm,below=1mm,pos=\x,inner sep=0pt]{\strut \a} (6,0);
        \path[postaction={decorate}, arrowmark={\x}{Stealth[scale=0.8]}] (0,0)--  (6,0);
        \draw (1,1.732)-- node {} (7,1.732);
        \draw (2,3.464)-- node {} (8,3.464);
        \draw (3,5.196)-- node {} (9,5.196);
        \draw (0.5,0.866)-- node {} (1,0);
        \draw (1.5,2.598)-- node {} (3,0);
        \draw (2.5,4.33)-- node {} (5,0);
        \draw (4,5.196)-- node {} (6.5,0.866);
        \draw (6,5.196)-- node {} (7.5,2.598);
        \draw (8,5.196)-- node {} (8.5,4.33);

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