[Tex/LaTex] multi-line equation in equation environment


I'm trying to write the following equation using amsmath package in equation envoronment:

enter image description here

and break it into multiple lines using the following code

            \vec{f}{}' &=\vec{\nabla}{f}                \\
                       &=\vec{\nabla}{f\left ( x, y, z \right )}                \\
                       &\approx \left ( \frac{1}{2} \left ( f\left ( x-1, y, z \right ) + f\left ( x+1, y, z \right ) \right ),  \\
                       &\qquad \frac{1}{2} \left ( f\left ( x, y-1, z \right ) + f\left ( x, y+1, z \right ) \right ),      \\
                       &\qquad \frac{1}{2} \left ( f\left ( x, y, z-1 \right ) + f\left ( x, y, z-1 \right ) \right ) \right )

This is giving me the following output:

enter image description here

I want the alignment and the line breaking the same but the final closing brace is missing here and for which I am getting error message also.

How can I get rid of this error and have the closing brace back in the equation?

Best Answer

You can use & with \left ... right if you load mathtools (needless to load amsmath in this case) and use its \DeclarePairedDelimiter and \MTkillspecial commands. I adapted an example in the documentation to define a \parens command, which can break across lines. Its starred version adds a pair of implicit \left \right around the parentheses. Alternatively to fine-tune the size of the parentheses, you can use an optional argument: [\big], [\Big], &c.

I took the opportunity to improve your layout and simplify your code, removing all unnecessary pairs of left \right, using a nested aligned environment, the medium-sized fractions from nccmath from the 1/2 coefficients, and the nicer-looking arrows from esvect:

\usepackage{mathtools, nccmath}

    \newcommand\MTkillspecial[1]{% helper macro


            \vv{f}{}' &=\vv{\nabla}{f} \\
                       &= \vv{\nabla}{f( x, y, z)} \\
                       &\approx \begin{aligned}[t] \parens*{ & \mfrac{1}{2} \bigl( f( x-1, y, z) + f( x+1, y, z) \bigr), \\
                        & \mfrac{1}{2} \bigl( f( x, y-1, z) + f( x, y+1, z) \bigr), \\
                       & \mfrac{1}{2} \bigl( f( x, y, z-1) + f( x, y, z-1) \bigr)


enter image description here