[Tex/LaTex] MS Word font size matching visually the LaTeX default one


What is the most resembling font in terms of size and style to the default used in LaTeX? I write in MS Word first, then copy it to LaTeX – this seems to be faster for me if not dealing with graphics, however discussion 'why' is not part of the question.

So I need to know how many pages of word document will be in LaTeX. I am using Calibri 8pt, but I would be happy to use more precise number. And of course I do realise all left and right margins being different. 80% of page count precision would satisfy me.

I have seen similar questions, but I really don't want to annoy myself by downloading the LaTeX fonts and then fetching them into Word, what I want is the font and the size that definitely exists in Word and looks similar. As I will still go to mighty LaTeX realm afterwards.

Best Answer

There are at least two font families that are based on Computer Modern (thus match its metrics) and are available in the OTF format that can be used with Word:

  1. Latin Modern
  2. Computer Modern Unicode (also supports Greek and Cyrillic scripts)

Click on the font name you've chosen, then proceed to the download page and get the OTF files. Install them in Windows and Word will see the fonts. As you're looking for just a 80% accuracy, choosing the upright 10/12pt Roman font for the text will be enough.

I can't see, though, how typing text in Word is faster than in any text editor (maybe save spell checking).

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