[Tex/LaTex] Mouseover with Hyperref Internal Links


I have a PDF that is heavily internally linked. (I use terms and link them to the appendix definition with \term{termname}{displaytext}, which uses \hyperlink from the hyperref package.) I'm trying to create mouseover text to be part of that command.

(1) Is there a way inside hyperref to have a mouseover for \hyperlink?

I have tried cooltooltips, but it creates URL hyperlinks, not internal reference links, so it won't work with what I want to do.

(2) Is there a way to make cooltooltips create an internal link instead of a URL link?

I've also examined the tooltip code published on several answers (but not as a package) by a user, where he creates a \tooltip command. Unfortunately, his command nulls out my links. (I've tried \tooltop{\term{name}{display}} and \term{name}{\tooltip{display}}. The internal links don't work.)

(3) Is there a way to modify that code so that it accepts an internal reference argument?

TLDR version: I want to create a command \term{internal link}{display}{mouseover}, and none of the existing packages seem to allow this.

Added code example:


\usepackage[log-declarations=false]{xparse}%To enable better command creation
        pdfborder={0 0 0},
%        pdftitle=\booktitle,
%        pdfauthor=\theauthor,



\DeclareDocumentCommand \Link {o m O{}}{%

%%%%Specific Links:
%%(Many other link types cut)

Lots of text. \term{Test} this if you can. Trying it with cooltooltips \cond{foo}[bars] everything up.

\hypertarget{terms:test}{Here's my link: Test is a term.}

\hypertarget{conds:foo}{Here's another link: Foo is a condition.}

The reason for the complicated \Link command is two-fold: First, it handles the \lowercase problem correctly, allowing me to always reference the lowercased version for the link. Secondly, I have 5 types of keywords, each with their own formatting, all of which use \Link, and coding it once makes the document work consistently.

Best Answer

Here is a generic solution, implementing the command


It is similar to hyperref's


command, except that the new command has an additional 3rd mandatory argument {<tiptext>} which provides the tip text to be shown when the mouse hovers over the link.

Optional arguments [<linkcolour>] and [<tipboxcolour>] do what they are supposed to do.

The example contains two hyperlinks with tip text. One of them makes use of \parbox to produce multiline tip text.



% usage:
% \hyperlinkWithTip{<destination>}[<linkcolour>]{<linktext>}[<tipboxcolour>]{<tiptext>}


      /E<</S/SetOCGState/State [/ON \ocgbase@last@ocg]>>%
      /X<</S/SetOCGState/State [/OFF \ocgbase@last@ocg]>>%
      /U<</S/SetOCGState/State [/OFF \ocgbase@last@ocg]/Next<</S/GoTo/D (#1)>>>>%
      /Subtype/Widget/FT/Btn/Ff 65537/T (tip:\thetcnt)%
      /AP<</N \tpPdfLastXform>>%
      /MK<</TP 1/I \tpPdfLastXform/IF<</S/A/FB true/A [0.0 0.0]>>>>%
      /OC \ocgbase@last@ocg
  \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
    \path let \p0 = (0,0), \p1 = (current page.east) in


Lots of text. \hyperlinkWithTip{test}{Test}{To be explained on the next page} this if you can.

Lots of text. Another \hyperlinkWithTip{testB}{test}{\parbox[b]{0.5\linewidth}{This is a longer text. Don't miss the explanation given on the next page.}} if you wish.

\hypertarget{test}{Here's my link destination.}

\hypertarget{testB}{Yet another link destination.}

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