[Tex/LaTex] Modify global size of booktabs table


Here is the table I am trying to make:

\usepackage{tabularx, booktabs}



Conditions & Items test corrects & Items test incorrects \\
 Non-adjacents & Fa\textunderscore Sol\textunderscore Ré\textunderscore (O\textunderscore P\textunderscore Q\textunderscore ) & *Do\#\textunderscore Sol\#\textunderscore Si (S\textunderscore R\textunderscore T) \\
 & Sol\#\textunderscore Do\#\textunderscore Si\textunderscore  (R\textunderscore S\textunderscore T) & *Ré\textunderscore Sol\textunderscore Fa (Q\textunderscore P\textunderscore O) \\
 & \textunderscore Do\textunderscore Fa\#\textunderscore Ré\# (\textunderscore u\textunderscore v\textunderscore w) & *La\textunderscore Mi\textunderscore La\# (\textunderscore y\textunderscore x\textunderscore z) \\
 & \textunderscore Mi\textunderscore La\textunderscore La\# (\textunderscore x\textunderscore y\textunderscore z) & *Ré\#\textunderscore Fa\#\textunderscore Do (\textunderscore w\textunderscore v\textunderscore u) \\
Adjacents &  Ré.Ré\#.Fa.Do.Sol.Fa\# (QwOuPv) & *Si.La.Sol\#.La\#.Do\#.Mi (TyRzSx) \\ 
 & Ré.La\#.Fa.Mi.Sol.La (QzOxPy) & *Si.Fa\#.Sol\#.Ré\#.Do\#.Do (TvRwSu) \\ 
 & Si.Ré\#.Sol\#.Do.Do\#.Fa\# (TwRuSv) & *Ré.La.Fa.La\#.Sol.Mi (QyOzPx) \\ 
 & Si.La\#.Sol\#.Mi.Do\#.La (TzRxSy) & *Ré.Fa\#.Fa.Ré\#.Sol.Do QvOwPu) \\ 





The result is as follow:

enter image description here

I tried to reduce the width of my table with \footnotesize but the text in the table is still a bit beyond the right margin:

enter image description here


Is there a way to force all the table to stay align with the text with booktabs ?

Best Answer

You don't want tabularx, in my opinion.





Conditions & Items test corrects & Items test incorrects \\
Non-adjacents & Fa\_Sol\_Ré\_(O\_P\_Q\_) & *Do\sh\_Sol\sh\_Si (S\_R\_T) \\
 & Sol\sh\_Do\sh\_Si\_ (R\_S\_T) & *Ré\_Sol\_Fa (Q\_P\_O) \\
 & \_Do\_Fa\sh\_Ré\sh (\_u\_v\_w) & *La\_Mi\_La\sh (\_y\_x\_z) \\
 & \_Mi\_La\_La\sh (\_x\_y\_z) & *Ré\sh\_Fa\sh\_Do (\_w\_v\_u) \\
Adjacents &  Ré.Ré\sh.Fa.Do.Sol.Fa\sh (QwOuPv) & *Si.La.Sol\sh.La\sh.Do\sh.Mi (TyRzSx) \\
 & Ré.La\sh.Fa.Mi.Sol.La (QzOxPy) & *Si.Fa\sh.Sol\sh.Ré\sh.Do\sh.Do (TvRwSu) \\
 & Si.Ré\sh.Sol\sh.Do.Do\sh.Fa\sh (TwRuSv) & *Ré.La.Fa.La\sh.Sol.Mi (QyOzPx) \\
 & Si.La\sh.Sol\sh.Mi.Do\sh.La (TzRxSy) & *Ré.Fa\sh.Fa.Ré\sh.Sol.Do QvOwPu) \\




enter image description here

If I try the same with \begin{tabularx}{lXX}, I get that one line is split into two rows (with a wrong hyphen, unless I disable hyphenation for the table). A better result is with the specification @{}lXX@{}:




Conditions & Items test corrects & Items test incorrects \\
Non-adjacents & Fa\_Sol\_Ré\_(O\_P\_Q\_) & *Do\sh\_Sol\sh\_Si (S\_R\_T) \\
 & Sol\sh\_Do\sh\_Si\_ (R\_S\_T) & *Ré\_Sol\_Fa (Q\_P\_O) \\
 & \_Do\_Fa\sh\_Ré\sh (\_u\_v\_w) & *La\_Mi\_La\sh (\_y\_x\_z) \\
 & \_Mi\_La\_La\sh (\_x\_y\_z) & *Ré\sh\_Fa\sh\_Do (\_w\_v\_u) \\
Adjacents &  Ré.Ré\sh.Fa.Do.Sol.Fa\sh (QwOuPv) & *Si.La.Sol\sh.La\sh.Do\sh.Mi (TyRzSx) \\
 & Ré.La\sh.Fa.Mi.Sol.La (QzOxPy) & *Si.Fa\sh.Sol\sh.Ré\sh.Do\sh.Do (TvRwSu) \\
 & Si.Ré\sh.Sol\sh.Do.Do\sh.Fa\sh (TwRuSv) & *Ré.La.Fa.La\sh.Sol.Mi (QyOzPx) \\
 & Si.La\sh.Sol\sh.Mi.Do\sh.La (TzRxSy) & *Ré.Fa\sh.Fa.Ré\sh.Sol.Do QvOwPu) \\




However, the result will change with the text width.

enter image description here

Note that tabularx needs at least an X column in order to work.

Note also that \# is not the correct symbol for a sharp. I defined \sh as $\sharp$ (the \sharp command is only available in math mode, by default).