[Tex/LaTex] moderncv – two column \cventry within \section


I'm writing a resume with the moderncv package. Due to the lack of space, I want to make one section use two columns, separated by a vertical line.

I've saw those solutions here, using \cvlistdoubleitem and multicols. But I'd like to keep the further information provided by \cventry (=> I mean, in my case "basic" and "very basic")

first approach, using tabular

<!-- language: lang-latex -->
\usepackage[top=1in, bottom=1.25in, left=1.25in, right=1.25in]{geometry}
        \cventry{}{C\#}{basic}{}{}{} & \cventry{}{UNIX}{basic}{}{}{} \\
        \cventry{}{vim}{basic}{}{}{} & \cventry{}{\LaTeX}{basic}{}{}{} \\
        \cventry{}{HTML, CSS, PHP}{very basic}{}{}{} \\

results in:

headline                                             site border
========                                                 :
    C#, basic                             |             U:NIX, basic
    vim, basic                            |             L:aTeX, basic
    HTML, CSS, PHP, very basic            |

@{} should – as I understood it – eat up all amounts of whitespace between the first column and the separator, but here its just ignored and I don't know why.
=> in that example, I want to move the second column and the separator line to the left and push it a bit together, so that both columns are visible and not cut.

second approach, using tabulary

<!-- language: lang-latex -->
\usepackage[top=1in, bottom=1.25in, left=1.25in, right=1.25in]{geometry}
    \begin{tabulary}{1.5\textwidth }{L|L}
        \cventry{}{c\#}{basic}{}{}{} & \cventry{}{UNIX}{basic}{}{}{}    \\
        \vspace{-2cm}                & \vspace{-2cm}                    \\
        \cventry{}{vim}{basic}{}{}{} & \cventry{}{\LaTeX}{basic}{}{}{}  \\
        \vspace{-2cm}                & \vspace{-2cm}                    \\
        \cventry{}{HTML, CSS, PHP}{very basic}{}{}{}                    \\

results in:

headline                                                   site border
========                                                      :
    C#, basic                      |       UNIX, basic        :
                                   |                          :
    vim, basic                     |       LaTeX, basic       :
                                   |                          :
    HTML, CSS, PHP, very basic     |                          :

the intention of using\vspace was to remove the visible white space between the rows, so that its a bit vertically squeezed – unfortunately, \vspace isn't recognized and I don't know why.

third approach, using tabu

<!-- language: lang-latex -->
\usepackage[top=1in, bottom=1.25in, left=1.25in, right=1.25in]{geometry}
    \begin{tabu} to 170mm {X[1.5,l] | X[1,l]}
        \cventry{}{C\#}{basic}{}{}{} & \cventry{}{UNIX}{basic}{}{}{} \\
        \cventry{}{vim}{basic}{}{}{} & \cventry{}{\LaTeX}{basic}{}{}{} \\
        \cventry{}{HTML, CSS, PHP}{very basic}{}{}{}

results in:

headline                                                   site border
========                                                      :
    C#, basic                      |       UNIX, basic        :
                                   |                          :
    vim, basic                     |       LaTeX, basic       :
                                   |                          :
    HTML, CSS, PHP, very basic     |                          :

\tabulinesep=-10mm should according to the tabu docs specify the minimum amount of whitespace between the rows, which does actually work – but only to "increase", not to "reduce" the whitespace.

\tracingtabu=3 should help to debug tabu, but the additional values in the log doesn't help me, I don't found anything useful out of it.

=> any ideas? I hope, i didn't forget something.

EDIT: My result of @Harish Kumar s suggestion is here

from the log file:

! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> \@firstname
                       {}~\@lastname {}
l.13 \begin{document}

although it is a exact copy of his code.

Best Answer

Have you tried a minipage with multicols?

\usepackage[top=1in, bottom=1.25in, left=1.25in, right=1.25in]{geometry}
        \cventry{}{C\#}{basic}{}{}{} \par \cventry{}{UNIX}{basic}{}{}{} \par
        \cventry{}{vim}{basic}{}{}{} \par \cventry{}{\LaTeX}{basic}{}{}{} \par
        \cventry{}{HTML, CSS, PHP}{very basic}{}{}{} \par

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