[Tex/LaTex] Missing space after Appendix


I am working on a document that has an appendix. I would like it to have the heading: "Appendix A. Tasks for Progressive Formulation"

This is the code I am using



 \section{Tasks for Progressive Formulation}

The result I get is missing the space between the word Appendix and the letter A. It shows like this:

AppendixA. Tasks for Progressive Formulation

How can I force a white space between Appendix and the letter?

Edit: more code


\usepackage[autostyle, english = american]{csquotes} 


\section{Tasks for Progressive Formulation}

Best Answer

It's a wrong choice by elsarticle.cls that has

\def\appendixname{Appendix }

with a space, whereas babel correctly does


with no space. You can reinstate the behavior expected by elsarticle doing

\addto\captionsenglish{\renewcommand{\appendixname}{Appendix }}

Here's a minimal example (the other packages you load have nothing to do with the issue) But, really, elsarticle should do di \documentclass{elsarticle}

\addto\captionsenglish{\renewcommand{\appendixname}{Appendix }}


\section{Tasks for Progressive Formulation}

But, really, elsarticle should do differently: the code from line 748 to line 758 in elsarticle.cls should be


without a redefinition of \appendixname and adding the space in the redefinition of \thesection. A fixed tag should be just a tag, with no “formatting instructions” that belong elsewhere.