[Tex/LaTex] Missing bullet points when using unicode-math in beamer


I'm using XeLaTeX on TeXShop trying to set up a presentation with the Beamer class, and wanted to take advantage of the Zapfino font in the frame titles. If I'm understanding correctly, in order to do so I need something that looks like this:

\setbeamerfont{frametitle}{family={\fontspec[Variant=1]{Zapfino}}, size=\small}


\frametitle{A title}
    \item this is an item


Now, when I compile this document I do get the Zapfino font in the frame title, but I lose the bullet points in the itemize list. I believe the problem lies in the use of the unicode-math package, as the following code will compile, will restore the missing bullet points BUT clearly won't allow the use of the Zapfino font in frame titles.

%\setbeamerfont{frametitle}{family={\fontspec[Variant=1]{Zapfino}}, size=\small}


\frametitle{A title}
    \item this is an item


(Commenting \setbeamerfont{frametitle}{family={\fontspec[Variant=1]{Zapfino}}, size=\small} is necessary as otherwise the code won't compile.)

I've also tried to work round the problem in an artisanal way by using a description list and manually inputting bullet points, but it didn't work either. It's like those characters were completely missing.

Is there a way around this or am I forced to choose between the frame titles and the bullet points?

Thank you very much!

Best Answer

The problem is the unicode-math package. Removing that and loading fontspec directly gives you both the Zapfino fonts and your bullet. In the code below I have also corrected the call to the serif font theme in beamer, removed the inputenc as in Ulrike Fischer's comment and altered the loading order of the packages (everything font related has to be loaded after fontspec):

\setbeamerfont{frametitle}{family={\fontspec[Variant=1]{Zapfino}}, size=\small}


\frametitle{A title}
    \item this is an item


Sample output

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