[Tex/LaTex] Mindmap Tikz fit size


I would like to fit all text into nodes to my mindmap diagram

enter image description here

I have tried with "text width" but I do want different sizes for nodes (depending on parent/children relationship). Also would like to change my font to a different weight.

    every node/.append style={concept, rectangle, minimum size=0.5cm, inner sep=0.2mm}


\tikz[mindmap,concept color=blue!70]
\node [concept] {Wind turbine Monitoring}
child[grow=30,concept color=blue!50] {
    node[concept] {Blades}
    [clockwise from=0]
    child[grow=30] {node[concept] {Vbrations}}
    child[grow=150] {node[concept] {Loads:Bending Moments}} 
child[grow=150,concept color=blue!70] {
    node[concept] {Tower}
    [clockwise from=0]
    child[grow=30,concept color=blue!50] {node[concept] {Bending Moments}}
    child[grow=150] {node[concept] {Oscillations}}
child[grow=270] {
    node[concept] {Drive Train}
    [clockwise from=0]
    child[grow=-90] {
    node[concept] {Vibration}
    child[grow=-90] {node[concept] {acceleration}}
    child[grow=150,concept color=blue!50] {
        node[concept] {Loads}
        [clockwise from=0]
        child[grow=-150,concept color=blue!50] {node[concept]                       {Fatigue}}
    child[grow=30,concept color=blue!50] {node[concept] {Oil                    Particles}}

At the end I would like to use this picture to a *.ppt presentation so the size of nodes and text is important to me. Thanks a lot.

Best Answer

You can change the style according to level with the level N concept styles, as described in the manual, section 58.2. (N is an integer, counting from 1.)

  concept color=blue!70,
  every node/.append style={concept,inner sep=0.2mm},
  level 1 concept/.append style={text width=2.5cm,font=\small},
  level 2 concept/.append style={text width=2cm,font=\scriptsize},
  level 3 concept/.append style={text width=1cm,font=\tiny\bfseries},
\node {Wind turbine Monitoring}
child[grow=30,concept color=blue!50] {
    node {Blades}
    [clockwise from=0]
    child[grow=30] {node {Vibrations}}
    child[grow=150] {node {Loads: Bending Moments}} 
child[grow=150,concept color=blue!70] {
    node {Tower}
    [clockwise from=0]
    child[grow=30,concept color=blue!50] {node {Bending Moments}}
    child[grow=150] {node {Oscillations}}
child[grow=270] {
    node {Drive Train}
    [clockwise from=0]
    child[grow=-90] {
    node {Vibration}
    child[grow=-90] {node {accel\-eration}} % note \- to indicate hyphenation point
    child[grow=150,concept color=blue!50] {
        node {Loads}
        [clockwise from=0]
        child[grow=-150,concept color=blue!50] {node  {Fatigue}}
    child[grow=30,concept color=blue!50] {node {Oil Particles}}