[Tex/LaTex] Matrix: hline is cut by cmidrule


I want to emphasize a block structure in a matrix by both, vertical and horizontal lines. Since I am using bmatrix as matrix environment I had the issues as in How to shorten \hline in a matrix.

I very much liked the first solution mentioned there using booktabs, because it calculates vertical spacings in a nice fashion and centers the horizontal lines correctly (e.g. with 2 rows the middle of the equal sign before the matrix will exactly be at the same height as the line drawn by cmidrule).

However, I still want to add vertical lines, therefore I use [cc|cc] as optional argument. But then the vertical line is interrupted by the vertical line.

Is there an easy way out? As far as I could figure out, the clue about cmidrule is the trim option which I couldn't find for hline or cline.


\usepackage{booktabs} % required for the first solution

%matrix environment redef
\renewcommand*\env@matrix[1][*\c@MaxMatrixCols c]{%
   \hskip -\arraycolsep

  a & b\\      \cmidrule(lr){1-2}
  c & d

Best Answer

If you want the horizontal and vertical lines to intersect, you can't use the rule-drawing macros of the booktabs package.

Here's a solution that uses just a basic array environment. This solution is similar to the one given by @Alenanno in the posting you provided a link to; the main difference is that the @{} directives have been replaced with @{\,}.

enter image description here

\left[ \begin{array}{@{\,} c|c @{\,}}
  u & v\\      
  w & x \\
\end{array} \right]

Addendum: If you need a bit of extra vertical separation between the rows, you could load the array package and issue the instruction \setlength\extrarowheight{1pt} in the preamble. This may be particularly useful if the submatrices have diacritics (such as \bar{...}) that would otherwise come too close to the \hline, as is the case with \bar{d} in the example below.

enter image description here

\usepackage{array} % for "\extrarowheight" macro
\left[  \begin{array}{@{\,} c|c @{\,}}
  a & b\\      
  c & \bar{d} \\
\end{array}  \right]
\left[  \begin{array}{@{\,} c|c @{\,}}
  a & b\\      
  c & \bar{d} \\
\end{array}  \right]
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