[Tex/LaTex] Margins too wide using a5paper Koma-Script option


This is my preamble:

\documentclass[a5paper, DIV=classic, 12pt]{scrbook}
\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text, Ligatures={Rare}, Numbers=OldStyle]{ibarraReal}

The problem is in the a5paper option, because I get the following

enter image description here

So, how can I fix the problem with margins?

Best Answer

Simply add the pagesize option:

\documentclass[a5paper, DIV=classic, 12pt, pagesize]{scrbook}

It's actually an option for typearea. If you set this option, the class sets PDF page dimensions if used with pdfLaTeX, and uses a DVI \special for the paper size if it runs in DVI mode.

It can be forced specifying the output driver, such as pagesize=pdftex, pagesize=dvips, or pagesize=dvipdfmx, however I recommend to use auto or no value, which means the same.