[Tex/LaTex] Manually Break line in custom chapter title


\documentclass[openany, 10pt]{book}

 \renewcommand\cftchapaftersnum{.}% adds dot after chapter title in ToC
 \renewcommand\cftchapdotsep{\cftdotsep}% adds leader dots from chapter titles to page numbers

  \def\LigneVerticale{\vrule height 5cm depth 2cm\hspace{0.1cm}\relax}
  \rlap{\vrule height 0.8cm width 1cm depth 0.2cm}%
  \rlap{\hbox to 1cm{\hss\mbox{\white #1}\hss}}%
  \vrule height 0pt width 1cm depth 0pt}

  \GrosCarreAvecUnChiffre{\thechapter.}% the final dot adds a dor after the chapter number in the document

 }\par\vskip 2cm}

 }\par\vskip 2cm}

 \chapter{Much too long chapter title with linebreak}


my problem is that chapter dosen't fit the text on a page. I have tried many things such as:


How to make (force) line-break in Chapter Title (in ToC, Chapter, Header) – if possible?

chapter title long and necessity to cut it

How to make title of chapter to fit the page size?

Best Answer

In the definition of \@makechapterhead and \@makeschapterhead replace the \hbox in which the title will be typeset with a \parbox of the appropriate length:

\documentclass[openany, 10pt]{book}

 \renewcommand\cftchapaftersnum{.}% adds dot after chapter title in ToC
 \renewcommand\cftchapdotsep{\cftdotsep}% adds leader dots from chapter titles to page numbers

  \def\LigneVerticale{\vrule height 5cm depth 2cm\hspace{0.1cm}\relax}
  \rlap{\vrule height 0.8cm width 1cm depth 0.2cm}%
  \rlap{\hbox to 1cm{\hss\mbox{\white #1}\hss}}%
  \vrule height 0pt width 1cm depth 0pt}

  \GrosCarreAvecUnChiffre{\thechapter.}% the final dot adds a dor after the chapter number in the document

 }\par\vskip 2cm}

 }\par\vskip 2cm}

 \chapter[A test chapter]{A Test Numbered Chapter with a Really Really Long Title}

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