[Tex/LaTex] Making nice aligned glossaries


Consider the MWE below (mystyle credit post here for increasing the horizontal spacing).

How can I change mystyle, so that the indentation is the same for multiple lines (red lines), and how can I change so that all entries on a page are aligned (green line)?

Is it e.g. possible to specify 5 cm width for the name/key. If it is longer it is broken (paragraph wrap like "p" in tables) in multiple rows.

So I am looking for a 'table' style for glossary.


enter image description here


\usepackage[savewrites,nonumberlist, seeautonumberlist]{glossaries}
       \hspace{1cm}##3\glspostdescription\space ##5}%
    description={Just showing what I mean},%
\newglossaryentry{examp2}{name={A bit longer},%
    description={asd asd ad das dsd asd asd ads das dasdsa das das dsa das das dsa dsa dsa dsa d as asddas ads dsa das dsa as sda dsa dsa dsa d sa dsa dsa},%


Best Answer

You can use a style based upon the long style (which actually is a longtable. I used 3cm instead of 5cm; that looks enough.

\usepackage[savewrites,nonumberlist, seeautonumberlist]{glossaries}

    description={Just showing what I mean},%
\newglossaryentry{examp2}{name={A bit longer},%
    description={asd asd ad das dsd asd asd ads das dasdsa das das dsa das das dsa dsa dsa dsa d as asddas ads dsa das dsa as sda dsa dsa dsa d sa dsa dsa},%


enter image description here