[Tex/LaTex] Making and sorting index for Russian


Trying to make index with Russian words, MWE:

\usepackage[T1, T2A]{fontenc}
\usepackage[english, russian]{babel}






I use MiKTeX (full and updated), run: latexmk.exe -pdf file.tex

This gives me file.pdf with russian words in Index, but they are sorted in wrong way. file.idx is:

\indexentry{\IeC {\cyrch }\IeC {\cyra }\IeC {\cyrs }\IeC {\cyrt }\IeC {\cyrsftsn }}{1}
\indexentry{\IeC {\cyrd }\IeC {\cyre }\IeC {\cyrr }\IeC {\cyre }\IeC {\cyrv }\IeC {\cyro }}{1}
\indexentry{\IeC {\cyrerev }\IeC {\cyrl }\IeC {\cyre }\IeC {\cyrk }\IeC {\cyrt }\IeC {\cyrr }\IeC {\cyro }\IeC {\cyrn }}{1}

And I see the problem is that LaTeX makes index according to these {\cyrch}, {\cyre} etc. I thought using utf8 encoding and xindy could solve all the problems with languages. How to make russian index with correct sorting: дерево, часть, электрон in my case?

Best Answer

Due to some constraints, the \index command doesn't work very well with UTF-8 characters (something which could only be solved with a brand new version, I'm afraid.)

You can overcome the issue by doing

\usepackage[T1, T2A]{fontenc}
\usepackage[english, russian]{babel}








texindy -L russian -C utf8 <filename>.idx

produces the index as expected:

enter image description here

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