[Tex/LaTex] Make text block wider in A4 page


I'm struggling to fit a wider text into an A4 page. This page isn't going to be printed as a book, it is simply for internal use, so I don't mind if the text occupies more % of the page. I've tried different commands, to various effects, but nothing would change the width of the text stripe. The best I could get was to shift the entire block of text in either direction…

These are the commands I've tried:

%% \textwidth=490pt
%% \marginparwidth=-12pt
%% \marginparsep=-12pt
%% \marginparpush=-12pt
%% \oddsidemargin=-12pt
%% \hoffset=-12pt

and variations. The template used is \documentclass[a4paper]{article}

Sorry, the choice of tags is somewhat arbitrary – I don't really know where my problem belongs. Feel free to change it.

Best Answer

Did you try package a4wide:


For a similar problem I used
