[Tex/LaTex] LyX table row error


I hope someone can help with this problem. I have a 3×4 table which is too wide for a page if just entered as is. Therefore, I have fixed each column width at 25% of the text width and then used ERT \linebreak inside the table.

However, when trying to compile I get this error 4 times:

Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr.

The LaTeX code for the LyX table is:

\caption{CD271 Antibody Assessment}

Sample & \multicolumn{2}{p{0.25\textwidth}|}{Percentage Identified\linebreak as MSCs by Panel} & \multicolumn{2}{p{0.25\textwidth}|}{Percentage CD271\linebreak Postive}\tabularnewline
BMMC & 0&02 & 1&78\tabularnewline
Cultured Bone Marrow & 39&08 & 5&70\tabularnewline
Commerical MSCs & 99&51 & 45&44\tabularnewline

Any idea what I am doing wrong? I have tried looking at the online helps but can't find an answer.

Best Answer

You have a tabular environment with only 3 columns


So you can't put in the second row three cells taking 5 columns:

  1. Sample & --> 1
  2. \multicolumn{2}{...}{...} & --> 1 + 2 = 3
  3. \multicolumn{2}{...}{...}\tabularnewline --> 3+2 =5

Nor five cells in the following rows:

  1. BMMC &
  2. 0 &
  3. 02 &
  4. 1 &
  5. 78 \tabularnewline

The solution is a tabular environment with five columns. Some like:


BTW, please avoid the vertical lines as well as the double lines. I suggest the use of tho horizontal rules of the booktabs package instead of \hline and some other changes. Please check the difference in this minimal working example:




\caption{CD271 Antibody Assessment}
Sample & \multicolumn{2}{p{0.24\textwidth}|}{Percentage Identified\linebreak as MSCs by Panel} & \multicolumn{2}{p{0.24\textwidth}|}{Percentage CD271\linebreak Postive}\tabularnewline
BMMC & 0&02 & 1&78\tabularnewline
Cultured Bone Marrow & 39&08 & 5&70\tabularnewline
Commerical MSCs & 99&51 & 45&44\tabularnewline

\caption{CD271 Antibody Assessment}
Sample & & \multicolumn{2}{>{\raggedright}m{0.25\textwidth}}{Percentage Identified as MSCs by Panel} & & \multicolumn{2}{>{\raggedright}m{0.25\textwidth}}{Percentage CD271 Postive}\tabularnewline
BMMC & & 0 & 02 & & 1 & 78\tabularnewline
Cultured Bone Marrow & &  39 & 08 & & 5 & 70\tabularnewline
Commerical MSCs & & 99 & 51 & & 45 & 44\tabularnewline


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