[Tex/LaTex] Lowercase small caps in section/subsection/…


I'm interested in setting the titles of section and more in lowercase small caps. And I don't know how to automatically achieve this.


But if I write everything in lowercase, then the \tableofcontents doesn't look good unless I use small caps there too. I know about \MakeLowercase{} but this needs an argument.

By the way, as I noted, I just want to show them in lowercase small caps in the document, not in the table of contents, ….

Any ideas?

PS: I don't know if this is necessary, but I'm using the MinionPro package.

EDIT: after some research, apart from what is answered here, in classicthesis.sty you can look at other different (or semi-different) method.

Best Answer

At his homepage, Markus Kohm, the author of KOMA-script, has code for majuscle in section headings.

I have slightly adapted the code from Versalien in \section und \subsection?)


\renewcommand{\scdefault}{ssc} % MinionPro's spaced small caps as standard

  \@ifstar {\star@section}{\@dblarg\nonstar@section}%
  \@ifstar {\star@subsection}{\@dblarg\nonstar@subsection}%



\section{Heading level 1}
\subsection{Heading level 2}


This solution works with starred sections. And it is easy to add more formatting by using the normal:


I will also suggest that you use the package textcase to make the case changes more fool proof:
