[Tex/LaTex] Longtable exceeds page length


I am using rmarkdown and xtable to iterate the creation of several tables, and output them in Latex to create a PDF.
Given that most tables are long, Im using Longtable package.
Also, i need to insert two aligned images on the top of each page. For this i use Fancyhdr and Graphicx to insert them in the header.

The tables created exceed the page length. They brake and continue in the next page, but there are several rows below the page length, thus, are not shown in the pdf. Same with footer.
This wont happen if I dont insert the images. Without the images at the top of the pages, longtable works well.
Also, i noted that the second half of a splitted table (that is, the chunk of the table that longtable sends to the next page) starts lower in the page, compared to where the first table of the document starts.

I cant get longtable to break the tables within the limits of the page length.

Code from rmarkdown (im showing the xtable code):

title: "Reportes generales"
- \geometry{layout=a4paper}
- \usepackage{fancyhdr}
- \pagestyle{fancy}
- \usepackage{graphicx}
- \usepackage{longtable}
- \usepackage[spanish]{babel}
- \usepackage[]{hyperref}
- \hypersetup{
- \fancyhead[R]{\includegraphics[height=5cm]{insight-top-right-2.png}}
- \fancyhead[L]{\raisebox{2.3\height}{\includegraphics[height=2.5cm]{logo.png}}}
- \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt}



```{r, echo=FALSE, results='asis'}
datawrangling with r and calculations

### Here i am writing the code that will be inserted in the first line of the longtable, which states the use of endhead and endfoot, and footnotesize

addtorow$command<-c(paste("\\hline \n",
" \\endhead \n",
" \\hline \n",
" {\\footnotesize Continued on next page} \n",
" \\endfoot \n",
" \\endlastfoot \n",sep=""))

### Here is the tranformation of the dataframes to LaTex using xtable, note that tempmatrix is the matrix which i want to print in a pdf. This iterates for several dataframes, spawining several Longtables

xt <- capture.output(print.xtable(xtable(tempMatrix, align = "l|p{4cm}|r|r|r|r|r|"), include.rownames = FALSE, comment = FALSE, floating = FALSE, tabular.environment = "longtable",add.to.row=addtorow))
cat(xt, sep="\n")

Finally, here is what the table in latex code looks like. This is one of several tables, only the information changes, format is the same for all:

DEPARTAMENTO & Septiembre14 & Agosto15 & Septiembre15 & YTD14 & YTD15 \\ 
 {\footnotesize Continued on next page} 
BEBE & 3,136,143 & 3,908,120 & 3,970,474 & 167,346,367 & 253,682,083 \\ 
  BELLEZA DE LA PIEL & 4,056,518 & 4,383,270 & 5,657,551 & 268,024,922 & 376,562,389 \\ 
  CUIDADO CAPILAR & 3,598,571 & 4,485,420 & 4,860,410 & 231,520,280 & 360,023,595 \\ 
  CUIDADO ORAL & 1,466,654 & 2,077,587 & 2,149,403 & 106,409,239 & 159,647,444 \\ 
  CUIDADO PERSONAL & 5,993,436 & 7,920,352 & 8,268,905 & 431,726,918 & 615,126,409 \\ 
  LIMPIEZA &   283,785 &   254,940 &   306,183 &  26,618,969 &  28,738,917 \\ 
  NO COMESTIBLES &        NA &        NA &        NA &  14,600,825 &  23,053,981 \\ 
  OTC &         0 &         0 &    24,176 &           0 &     108,372 \\ 
  PRIMEROS AUXILIOS &   546,344 &   857,384 &   924,860 &  36,689,415 &  53,886,336 \\ 

Possible solutions already tried and failed, by themself and in combination:

- \geometry{top=0cm}
- \geometry{bottom=5cm}
- \geometry{headsep=0pt}
- \geometry{includehead}

I really cant figure out how to solve this, and im getting desperate.


UPDATE: I fount that longtable may have some issues calculating the size of the page when a float is on the same page, from here
May that be the problem? maybe the images in the header messes up the way longtable calculates the page length. They propose a modification to longtable.sty, but i cant find it.

UPDATE2: I could obtain the tex file rmarkdown uses to generate the pdf,as suggested here it is:

\usepackage{fixltx2e} % provides \textsubscript
\ifnum 0\ifxetex 1\fi\ifluatex 1\fi=0 % if pdftex
\else % if luatex or xelatex
% use upquote if available, for straight quotes in verbatim     environments
% use microtype if available
\UseMicrotypeSet[protrusion]{basicmath} % disable protrusion for tt fonts
  \usepackage[setpagesize=false, % page size defined by xetex
              unicode=false, % unicode breaks when used with xetex
            pdftitle={Reportes generales},
            pdfborder={0 0 0}}
\urlstyle{same}  % don't use monospace font for urls
\setlength{\parskip}{6pt plus 2pt minus 1pt}
\setlength{\emergencystretch}{3em}  % prevent overfull lines

%%% Use protect on footnotes to avoid problems with footnotes in titles

%%% Change title format to be more compact

% Create subtitle command for use in maketitle

  \title{Reportes generales}

\hypersetup{ bookmarksnumbered=true, bookmarksopen=true, bookmarksopenlevel=1, colorlinks=true, linkcolor=blue, pdfstartview=Fit, hyperindex=True hyperfigures=True }





DEPARTAMENTO & Septiembre14 & Agosto15 & Septiembre15 & YTD14 & YTD15 \\ 
 {\footnotesize Continued on next page} 
BEBE & 3,136,143 & 3,908,120 & 3,970,474 & 167,346,367 & 253,682,083 \\ 
  BELLEZA DE LA PIEL & 4,056,518 & 4,383,270 & 5,657,551 & 268,024,922 & 376,562,389 \\ 
  CUIDADO CAPILAR & 3,598,571 & 4,485,420 & 4,860,410 & 231,520,280 & 360,023,595 \\ 
  CUIDADO ORAL & 1,466,654 & 2,077,587 & 2,149,403 & 106,409,239 & 159,647,444 \\ 
  CUIDADO PERSONAL & 5,993,436 & 7,920,352 & 8,268,905 & 431,726,918 & 615,126,409 \\ 
  LIMPIEZA &   283,785 &   254,940 &   306,183 &  26,618,969 &  28,738,917 \\ 
  NO COMESTIBLES &        NA &        NA &        NA &  14,600,825 &  23,053,981 \\ 
  OTC &         0 &         0 &    24,176 &           0 &     108,372 \\ 
  PRIMEROS AUXILIOS &   546,344 &   857,384 &   924,860 &  36,689,415     &  53,886,336 \\ 
DEPARTAMENTO & varMA & varMMAA & varYTD \\ 
BEBE &  1.60 & 26.60 & 51.59 \\ 
  BELLEZA DE LA PIEL & 29.07 & 39.47 & 40.50 \\ 
  CUIDADO CAPILAR &  8.36 & 35.06 & 55.50 \\ 
  CUIDADO ORAL &  3.46 & 46.55 & 50.03 \\ 
  CUIDADO PERSONAL &  4.40 & 37.97 & 42.48 \\ 
  LIMPIEZA & 20.10 &  7.89 &  7.96 \\ 
  NO COMESTIBLES &    NA &    NA & 57.90 \\ 
  OTC &   Inf &   Inf &   Inf \\ 
  PRIMEROS AUXILIOS &  7.87 & 69.28 & 46.87 \\ 

\caption{Valores Absolutos-Categorias de  BELLEZA DE LA PIEL} \\ 
CATEGORY & Septiembre14 & Agosto15 & Septiembre15 & YTD14 & YTD15 \\ 
 {\footnotesize Continued on next page} 
CREMAS FACIALES & 2,803,254 & 3,121,176 & 3,595,056 & 173,742,026 & 230,131,906 \\ 
  CREMAS P/CUERPO &   792,387 &   832,099 & 1,117,033 &  56,567,912 &  79,910,260 \\ 
  BRONCEADORES &   393,863 &   394,842 &   800,450 &  34,884,696 &  62,260,683 \\ 
  CREMAS REDUCTORAS &    67,014 &    35,153 &   145,012 &   2,830,287 &   4,259,539 \\ 
\caption{Variaciones-Categorias de  BELLEZA DE LA PIEL} \\ 
CATEGORY & varMA & varMMAA & varYTD \\ 
 {\footnotesize Continued on next page} 
CREMAS FACIALES &  15.18 &  28.25 & 32.46 \\ 
  CREMAS P/CUERPO &  34.24 &  40.97 & 41.26 \\ 
  BRONCEADORES & 102.73 & 103.23 & 78.48 \\ 
  CREMAS REDUCTORAS & 312.52 & 116.39 & 50.50 \\ 
\caption{Valores Absolutos-Categorias de  CUIDADO PERSONAL} \\ 
CATEGORY & Septiembre14 & Agosto15 & Septiembre15 & YTD14 & YTD15 \\ 
 {\footnotesize Continued on next page} 
DESODORANTES CORPORALES & 2,063,564 & 2,735,511 & 2,720,461 & 154,726,728 & 213,362,316 \\ 
  TINTURAS & 1,011,545 & 1,309,711 & 1,441,668 &  61,215,451 & 103,688,813 \\ 
  JABONES DE TOCADOR &   857,958 & 1,132,913 & 1,145,764 &  67,971,560 &  96,365,051 \\ 
  PROTECCION SANITARIA FEMENINA &   996,205 & 1,428,784 & 1,465,860 &  68,427,382 &  92,990,493 \\ 
  HOJAS Y SISTEMAS DE AFEITAR &   463,789 &   577,544 &   684,020 &  36,823,238 &  49,877,736 \\ 
  DESODORANTES PEDICOS &   275,378 &   302,852 &   349,053 &  18,068,231 &  26,220,716 \\ 
  PRODUCTOS DEPILATORIOS &   169,226 &   200,146 &   225,431 &  12,888,939 &  17,012,924 \\ 
  CREMAS Y ESPUMAS DE AFEITAR &    65,707 &    81,179 &   101,928 &   5,363,923 &   7,065,802 \\ 
  JABONES DE TOCADOR INFANTIL &    41,112 &    76,530 &    60,340 &   2,996,544 &   4,375,777 \\ 
  PROTECTORES MAMARIOS &    25,921 &    36,486 &    37,044 &   1,582,267 &   2,538,494 \\ 
  JABONES Y DETERGENTES LIQUIDOS &    23,031 &    38,695 &    37,336 &   1,662,655 &   1,628,287 \\ 
\caption{Variaciones-Categorias de  CUIDADO PERSONAL} \\ 
CATEGORY & varMA & varMMAA & varYTD \\ 
 {\footnotesize Continued on next page} 
DESODORANTES CORPORALES &  \textcolor{red}{-0.55} & 31.83 & 37.90 \\ 
  TINTURAS &  10.08 & 42.52 & 69.38 \\ 
  JABONES DE TOCADOR &   1.13 & 33.55 & 41.77 \\ 
  PROTECCION SANITARIA FEMENINA &   2.59 & 47.14 & 35.90 \\ 
  HOJAS Y SISTEMAS DE AFEITAR &  18.44 & 47.49 & 35.45 \\ 
  DESODORANTES PEDICOS &  15.26 & 26.75 & 45.12 \\ 
  PRODUCTOS DEPILATORIOS &  12.63 & 33.21 & 32.00 \\ 
  CREMAS Y ESPUMAS DE AFEITAR &  25.56 & 55.13 & 31.73 \\ 
  JABONES DE TOCADOR INFANTIL & \textcolor{red}{-21.16} & 46.77 & 46.03 \\ 
  PROTECTORES MAMARIOS &   1.53 & 42.91 & 60.43 \\ 
  JABONES Y DETERGENTES LIQUIDOS &  \textcolor{red}{-3.51} & 62.11 & \textcolor{red}{-2.07} \\ 
\caption{Valores Absolutos-Categorias de  BEBE} \\ 
CATEGORY & Septiembre14 & Agosto15 & Septiembre15 & YTD14 & YTD15 \\ 
 {\footnotesize Continued on next page} 
PA-ALES DESCARTABLES P/BEBES & 2,122,630 & 2,780,865 & 3,079,733 & 113,368,516 & 188,264,578 \\ 
  TOALLAS HUMEDAS &   769,750 &   624,151 &   588,020 &  35,922,853 &  42,581,782 \\ 
  COLONIAS &   136,517 &   394,210 &   190,754 &  11,578,566 &  15,923,990 \\ 
  HISOPOS &    86,054 &    89,065 &    87,441 &   5,032,377 &   5,123,320 \\ 
  ACEITES INFANTILES &    21,191 &    19,603 &    22,353 &   1,439,380 &   1,749,265 \\ 
  ALIMENTOS PARA BEBE &         0 &       226 &     2,172 &       4,674 &      39,148 \\ 
\caption{Variaciones-Categorias de  BEBE} \\ 
CATEGORY & varMA & varMMAA & varYTD \\ 
 {\footnotesize Continued on next page} 
PA-ALES DESCARTABLES P/BEBES &  10.75 &  45.09 &  66.06 \\ 
  TOALLAS HUMEDAS &  \textcolor{red}{-5.79} & \textcolor{red}{-23.61} &  18.54 \\ 
  COLONIAS & \textcolor{red}{-51.61} &  39.73 &  37.53 \\ 
  HISOPOS &  \textcolor{red}{-1.82} &   1.61 &   1.81 \\ 
  ACEITES INFANTILES &  14.03 &   5.48 &  21.53 \\ 
  ALIMENTOS PARA BEBE & 861.38 &    Inf & 737.56 \\ 
\caption{Valores Absolutos-Categorias de  CUIDADO CAPILAR} \\ 
CATEGORY & Septiembre14 & Agosto15 & Septiembre15 & YTD14 & YTD15 \\ 
 {\footnotesize Continued on next page} 
SHAMPOO & 1,773,948 & 2,247,855 & 2,356,224 & 121,419,925 & 175,429,757 \\ 
  TRATAMIENTOS POST LAVADO CAPIL & 1,657,579 & 2,035,991 & 2,289,201 &  97,430,656 & 168,517,341 \\ 
  FIJADORES Y BRILLANTINAS &   167,044 &   201,573 &   214,985 &  12,669,698 &  16,076,497 \\ 
\caption{Variaciones-Categorias de  CUIDADO CAPILAR} \\ 
CATEGORY & varMA & varMMAA & varYTD \\ 
 {\footnotesize Continued on next page} 
SHAMPOO &  4.82 & 32.82 & 44.48 \\ 
  TRATAMIENTOS POST LAVADO CAPIL & 12.44 & 38.11 & 72.96 \\ 
  FIJADORES Y BRILLANTINAS &  6.65 & 28.70 & 26.89 \\ 
\caption{Valores Absolutos-Categorias de  CUIDADO ORAL} \\ 
CATEGORY & Septiembre14 & Agosto15 & Septiembre15 & YTD14 & YTD15 \\ 
 {\footnotesize Continued on next page} 
CREMAS DENTALES & 806,334 & 1,119,215 & 1,153,052 & 55,999,726 & 86,000,224 \\ 
  CEPILLOS DENTALES & 437,088 &   633,310 &   652,061 & 32,699,481 & 48,952,653 \\ 
  ENJUAGUE BUCAL & 196,601 &   286,640 &   307,849 & 15,756,802 & 21,779,345 \\ 
  HILOS DENTALES &  26,631 &    38,422 &    36,441 &  1,953,230 &  2,915,221 \\ 
\caption{Variaciones-Categorias de  CUIDADO ORAL} \\ 
CATEGORY & varMA & varMMAA & varYTD \\ 
 {\footnotesize Continued on next page} 
CREMAS DENTALES &  3.02 & 43.00 & 53.57 \\ 
  CEPILLOS DENTALES &  2.96 & 49.18 & 49.70 \\ 
  ENJUAGUE BUCAL &  7.40 & 56.59 & 38.22 \\ 
  HILOS DENTALES & \textcolor{red}{-5.16} & 36.83 & 49.25 \\ 
\caption{Valores Absolutos-Categorias de  ALMACEN} \\ 
CATEGORY & Septiembre14 & Agosto15 & Septiembre15 & YTD14 & YTD15 \\ 
 {\footnotesize Continued on next page} 
LECHES MATERNIZADAS & 690,342 & 1,081,196 & 1,117,606 & 50,599,593 & 78,413,709 \\ 
  LECHES FLUIDAS INFANTILES & 305,284 &   406,650 &   356,478 & 17,418,316 & 32,561,526 \\ 
  EDULCORANTES &  81,847 &   108,511 &   108,040 &  5,062,420 &  8,405,514 \\ 
  LECHES EN POLVO ENTERAS Y DESC &  50,583 &    65,481 &    71,004 &  4,146,129 &  5,330,949 \\ 
  PASTILLAS &       0 &       200 &       150 &          0 &      9,000 \\ 
  POSTRES PREPARADOS &       0 &     5,398 &         0 &          0 &      5,398 \\ 
  AZUCAR &      NA &        NA &        NA &          0 &      1,546 \\ 
\caption{Variaciones-Categorias de  ALMACEN} \\ 
CATEGORY & varMA & varMMAA & varYTD \\ 
 {\footnotesize Continued on next page} 
LECHES MATERNIZADAS &    3.37 & 61.89 & 54.97 \\ 
  LECHES FLUIDAS INFANTILES &  \textcolor{red}{-12.34} & 16.77 & 86.94 \\ 
  EDULCORANTES &   \textcolor{red}{-0.43} & 32.00 & 66.04 \\ 
  LECHES EN POLVO ENTERAS Y DESC &    8.44 & 40.37 & 28.58 \\ 
  PASTILLAS &  \textcolor{red}{-25.00} &   Inf &   Inf \\ 
  POSTRES PREPARADOS & \textcolor{red}{-100}.00 &   NaN &   Inf \\ 
  AZUCAR &      NA &    NA &   Inf \\ 
\caption{Valores Absolutos-Categorias de  PRIMEROS AUXILIOS} \\ 
CATEGORY & Septiembre14 & Agosto15 & Septiembre15 & YTD14 & YTD15 \\ 
 {\footnotesize Continued on next page} 
PA-ALES DESCARTABLES P/ADULTO & 291,871 & 513,709 & 509,992 & 19,938,505 & 34,598,008 \\ 
  ALGODON & 109,650 & 128,338 & 129,161 &  7,944,323 &  9,423,255 \\ 
  PA-UELOS DESCARTABLES & 144,823 & 200,002 & 201,561 &  8,806,587 &  9,171,453 \\ 
  APOSITOS ADHESIVOS &       0 &  15,335 &  84,147 &          0 &    693,620 \\ 
\caption{Variaciones-Categorias de  PRIMEROS AUXILIOS} \\ 
CATEGORY & varMA & varMMAA & varYTD \\ 
 {\footnotesize Continued on next page} 
PA-ALES DESCARTABLES P/ADULTO &  \textcolor{red}{-0.72} & 74.73 & 73.52 \\ 
  ALGODON &   0.64 & 17.79 & 18.62 \\ 
  PA-UELOS DESCARTABLES &   0.78 & 39.18 &  4.14 \\ 
  APOSITOS ADHESIVOS & 448.73 &   Inf &   Inf \\ 
\caption{Valores Absolutos-Categorias de  NO COMESTIBLES} \\ 
CATEGORY & Septiembre14 & Agosto15 & Septiembre15 & YTD14 & YTD15 \\ 
 {\footnotesize Continued on next page} 
PERSONAL CARE & 202,776 & 342,134 & 283,591 & 12,525,189 & 19,873,598 \\ 
  PILAS Y BATERIAS &  26,811 &  51,955 &  34,284 &  2,073,855 &  3,170,379 \\ 
  LAMPARAS ELECTRICAS &      63 &      77 &     341 &      1,781 &     10,004 \\ 
\caption{Variaciones-Categorias de  NO COMESTIBLES} \\ 
CATEGORY & varMA & varMMAA & varYTD \\ 
 {\footnotesize Continued on next page} 
PERSONAL CARE & \textcolor{red}{-17.11} &  39.85 &  58.67 \\ 
  PILAS Y BATERIAS & \textcolor{red}{-34.01} &  27.87 &  52.87 \\ 
  LAMPARAS ELECTRICAS & 342.86 & 443.43 & 461.72 \\ 
\caption{Valores Absolutos-Categorias de  LIMPIEZA} \\ 
CATEGORY & Septiembre14 & Agosto15 & Septiembre15 & YTD14 & YTD15 \\ 
 {\footnotesize Continued on next page} 
INSECTICIDAS TOTAL & 46,733 & 25,317 & 70,275 & 8,405,776 & 10,842,602 \\ 
  DESODORIZ. AMBIENTALES & 47,641 & 41,725 & 36,204 & 4,066,838 &  3,143,191 \\ 
  PAPEL HIGIENICO & 41,524 & 34,182 & 43,812 & 3,376,920 &  2,879,686 \\ 
  DETERGENTES LIQUIDOS & 16,513 & 19,675 & 19,315 & 1,252,239 &  1,586,210 \\ 
  ROLLOS DE PAPEL P/COCINA & 23,198 & 17,788 & 19,031 & 1,604,990 &  1,395,317 \\ 
  JABONES Y DETERGENTES EN POLVO & 14,511 & 16,699 & 16,702 &   961,115 &  1,284,704 \\ 
  DESOD.PARA INODOROS & 15,230 & 12,561 & 12,982 & 1,142,564 &  1,092,752 \\ 
  DILUIBLES & 11,072 & 12,906 & 13,469 &   797,580 &  1,052,769 \\ 
  GUANTES DE LATEX & 13,745 & 12,303 & 11,359 & 1,017,632 &    834,462 \\ 
  LIMPIADORES Y DESENGRASANTES N &  6,893 & 10,171 &  7,555 &   532,131 &    645,236 \\ 
  SUAVIZANTES &  5,725 &  9,575 &  7,670 &   572,759 &    640,669 \\ 
  LAVANDINAS &  5,694 &  7,353 &  7,360 &   464,882 &    602,875 \\ 
  CERAS PARA PISOS &  4,613 &  4,501 &  4,444 &   364,140 &    382,369 \\ 
  LUSTRAMUEBLES &  7,141 &  3,614 &  5,788 &   492,708 &    365,615 \\ 
  VIDRIOS Y MULTIUSO &  3,271 &  3,911 &  3,768 &   271,616 &    302,953 \\ 
  PRODUCTOS P/EL LAVADO FINO &  2,904 &  2,926 &  3,572 &   117,832 &    289,474 \\ 
  JABONES Y DETERGENTES EN PANES &  2,891 &  3,380 &  3,656 &   193,319 &    283,411 \\ 
  FIBRAS LIMPIADORAS &  3,406 &  3,342 &  3,295 &   231,409 &    233,841 \\ 
  LANAS/ESPONJAS Y TRAPOS METALI &  2,230 &  2,715 &  2,814 &   145,893 &    210,034 \\ 
  COCINA Y ANTIGRASA &  1,973 &  3,175 &  4,267 &   121,913 &    205,040 \\ 
  QUITAMANCHAS &  2,121 &  2,416 &  2,449 &   140,739 &    135,342 \\ 
  PA-OS SINTETICOS &  1,826 &  2,861 &  2,762 &   145,271 &    128,108 \\ 
  APRESTOS &    947 &    873 &  1,114 &    67,115 &     95,356 \\ 
  INODOROS &    874 &    798 &  1,216 &     9,834 &     51,266 \\ 
  SERVILLETAS DE PAPEL &    856 &     33 &    884 &   105,955 &     45,377 \\ 
  DESTAPACA-ERIAS &    252 &    140 &    420 &    15,798 &     10,260 \\ 
\caption{Variaciones-Categorias de  LIMPIEZA} \\ 
CATEGORY & varMA & varMMAA & varYTD \\ 
 {\footnotesize Continued on next page} 
INSECTICIDAS TOTAL &   177.58 &  50.38 &  28.99 \\ 
  DESODORIZ. AMBIENTALES &   \textcolor{red}{-13.23} & \textcolor{red}{-24.01} & \textcolor{red}{-22.71} \\ 
  PAPEL HIGIENICO &    28.18 &   5.51 & \textcolor{red}{-14.72} \\ 
  DETERGENTES LIQUIDOS &    \textcolor{red}{-1.83} &  16.97 &  26.67 \\ 
  ROLLOS DE PAPEL P/COCINA &     6.99 & \textcolor{red}{-17.96} & \textcolor{red}{-13.06} \\ 
  JABONES Y DETERGENTES EN POLVO &     0.02 &  15.10 &  33.67 \\ 
  DESOD.PARA INODOROS &     3.35 & \textcolor{red}{-14.76} &  \textcolor{red}{-4.36} \\ 
  DILUIBLES &     4.36 &  21.65 &  32.00 \\ 
  GUANTES DE LATEX &    \textcolor{red}{-7.67} & \textcolor{red}{-17.36} & \textcolor{red}{-18.00} \\ 
  LIMPIADORES Y DESENGRASANTES N &   \textcolor{red}{-25.72} &   9.61 &  21.26 \\ 
  SUAVIZANTES &   \textcolor{red}{-19.90} &  33.97 &  11.86 \\ 
  LAVANDINAS &     0.09 &  29.27 &  29.68 \\ 
  CERAS PARA PISOS &    \textcolor{red}{-1.27} &  \textcolor{red}{-3.67} &   5.01 \\ 
  LUSTRAMUEBLES &    60.15 & \textcolor{red}{-18.95} & \textcolor{red}{-25.79} \\ 
  VIDRIOS Y MULTIUSO &    \textcolor{red}{-3.66} &  15.19 &  11.54 \\ 
  PRODUCTOS P/EL LAVADO FINO &    22.07 &  23.01 & 145.67 \\ 
  JABONES Y DETERGENTES EN PANES &     8.17 &  26.44 &  46.60 \\ 
  FIBRAS LIMPIADORAS &    \textcolor{red}{-1.40} &  \textcolor{red}{-3.26} &   1.05 \\ 
  LANAS/ESPONJAS Y TRAPOS METALI &     3.66 &  26.18 &  43.96 \\ 
  COCINA Y ANTIGRASA &    34.39 & 116.24 &  68.19 \\ 
  QUITAMANCHAS &     1.37 &  15.50 &  \textcolor{red}{-3.84} \\ 
  PA-OS SINTETICOS &    \textcolor{red}{-3.46} &  51.30 & \textcolor{red}{-11.82} \\ 
  APRESTOS &    27.48 &  17.56 &  42.08 \\ 
  INODOROS &    52.38 &  39.05 & 421.32 \\ 
  SERVILLETAS DE PAPEL & 2,578.79 &   3.22 & \textcolor{red}{-57.17} \\ 
  DESTAPACA-ERIAS &   200.00 &  66.69 & \textcolor{red}{-35.06} \\ 
\caption{Valores Absolutos-Categorias de  OTC} \\ 
CATEGORY & Septiembre14 & Agosto15 & Septiembre15 & YTD14 & YTD15 \\ 
 {\footnotesize Continued on next page} 
ANTISEPTICOS & 0 & 0 & 24,176 & 0 & 108,372 \\ 
\caption{Variaciones-Categorias de  OTC} \\ 
CATEGORY & varMA & varMMAA & varYTD \\ 
 {\footnotesize Continued on next page} 
ANTISEPTICOS & Inf & Inf & Inf \\ 


Best Answer

As I said, read the console output. It tells you precisely what the problem is and precisely what to do about it.

Package Fancyhdr Warning: \headheight is too small (12.0pt): 
 Make it at least 60.50554pt.
 We now make it that large for the rest of the document.
 This may cause the page layout to be inconsistent, however.

Setting the headheight=61pt in geometry's options solves the problem. Note, however, that you have inconsistent and bizarre layout options scattered throughout the preamble, which is a recipe for trouble and confusion.

If combined, you end up with something like this


So you are setting all margins to 1" and then resetting the top one to 1mm. You are also setting the layout to A4 and the paper size to US letter. While it is possible that you really do need this configuration, it does seem rather unlikely.

Adding showframe, for example, we get this

ugly output

Note that the whole point of longtable is that it does the breaking for you. If you are going to break up the table yourself, you might just as soon use tabulars. Keep starting and stopping the longtable environment will lead to inconsistent formatting and spacing.

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