[Tex/LaTex] Listings in table of contents

listingstable of contents

I'm struggeling a little bit with the display of table of contents. I had previously a problem using natbib , and now the same issue with listings. Maybe I'm mixing something up with documentclass article and how to reat it.

That's a sample stating the issue:


\usepackage[numbers, square]{natbib}  
    pdfborder = {0 0 0}


\columnsep 0.5cm









\lstset{language=[Objective]C, breakindent=20pt, breaklines, tabsize=1,
caption={Change Identifiers}}

- (void) myMethod
    NSLog(@"Hello there");






The Listings is dipslayed as Listings1, but the pagenumber should be right aligned.
Can someone point me to the solution, or what I'm doing wrong?

Best Answer

Instead of


you can use


to produce a section-like entry with the listing number and the page number, or


if you don't want the listing number to appear, but you want to preserve the indentation of an section-like entry, or


if you don't want the listing number nor the indentation. A little example showing the three options:



enter image description here

P.S.: note that the article document class doesn't support chapter-like sectional units.

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