[Tex/LaTex] Left align or right align the header

alignheader-footervertical alignment

If I want to L-Align the contact info in the (right) header block. How can one align the contents in a header ?



%   Dependencies 
\usepackage{tgpagella} % TG Pagella font
\usepackage{textcomp} % Needed for pagella font bullet points

%   Debugging utilities (uncomment to enable)
%\overfullrule=1mm % Show overfull hboxes
%\usepackage{layout} % Insert graphic of page layout using \layout in body

%   Custom things
\newcommand\VRule{\color{lightgray}\vrule width 1pt}
\newcommand\HRule{\color{lightgray}\hrule height 0.4pt} 

\newcommand{\DoIfNoText}[1]{% Thanks to http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/44938

%   Document Variables
%   Setters




%   Helpers
\newcommand{\emailhref}{\faEnvelope{}~ \href{mailto:\Email}{\Email}}
\newcommand{\contactblock}{\Address \\ \Phone \\ \emailhref \\ \Skype}

%   Page customizations
  {0pt} % left
  {5pt} % before
  {-2pt} % after
  [0pt] % right

%   Header & footer definitions

%% Header Left - Show large name on first page

%% Header Right - Show contact info on first page; name otherwise.

%% Footer - Empty Footer

%   Macros & other

%% Table style used by resume including vertical divider

%% Formats resume item blocks
  {m >{\SplitArgument{1}{\\}} m}
    \begin{CvTable} %
      #1 & \CvBlockSplitTitle#2 % Set year/title/subtitle
    \end{CvTable} % End block detail

%% Splits the second argument to CvBlockEnv into Title & Subtitle
    \IfValueTF {#2} { \\ \textit{#2} } { }%

%% Create compact itemize
  { \vspace{0.2em}\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=12pt, itemsep=0.2em] }
  { \vspace{-1em}\end{itemize} }

%   Cover Letter
    \today \par \vspace{20pt}%
    \DoIfNoText{\CompanyAddress} {%
        {\Company \\}
      \CompanyAddress \par \vspace{30pt}
    \Name{} \par \vspace{10pt}%
    \DoIfNoText{\Encl} {\par\noindent\textbf{Encl:}~\Encl{}}%


\usepackage{fontawesome} % add skype, FB and Gtalk symbol :)
%\providecommand\faSkype{{\FA\symbol{"F17E}}} % add skype symbol.
\usepackage[export]{adjustbox} % left align the figure
\usepackage{graphicx}%graphicx package
\usepackage{lipsum} % Used only for this example.

%   Document information
\usepackage{fontspec} % use package for cambria font
\setmainfont{Cambria} %set font

\SetName{First Last}
\SetAddress{Street name, Apt Number, \\City, St~123455~-~1234,~~~USA} % Address
\SetPhone{\faPhone{}~+1~-~123~-~456~-~7890~} % phone number

%   Document
Dear Hiring Manager,

Enter context here.

Closing statement.

Signature (Pic)
Signature (Text)



**UPDATE: Adding tabular I can achieve what I need, but **

    %\contactblock% display elements in contact block.
    \Large\scshape{\Name}% Subsequent pages will have your name as the R-Header.

Output after the update makes the left header and right header mis-align.

Best Answer

Converting comment in to answer, just to close things, noting that jobapp.sty is not included in miktex (atleast).

Use [b] instead of [t] in \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l@{}}. This will align First Last (name) to the table's bottom.