[Tex/LaTex] LaTeX “under construction”, “in work” or “work in progress” symbols


Are there "under construction", "in work" or "work in progress" symbols in one of the LaTeX symbol packages?

Something like this (google search link).

I have tried detexity, but could not find an appropriate symbol.

The following example shows what I am actually trying to achieve:






    \item Design \cmark
    \item Implementation \todo[fancyline]{insert "under construction" symbol here}


enter image description here

Best Answer

Well it's not rocket science either

\begin{tikzpicture}[limb/.style={line cap=round,line width=1.5mm,line join=bevel}]
\draw[line width=2mm,rounded corners,fill=yellow] (-2,0) -- (0,-2) -- (2,0) -- (0,2) -- cycle;
\fill (1.5mm,7mm) circle (1.5mm);
\fill(0,-7.5mm) -- ++(10mm,0mm) -- ++(120:2mm)--++(100:1mm)--++(150:2mm) arc (70:170:2.5mm and 1mm);
\draw[limb] (-7.5mm,-6.5mm)--++(70:4mm)--++(85:4mm) coordinate(a)--++(-45:5mm)--(-2.5mm,-6.5mm);
\fill[rotate around={45:(a)}] ([shift={(-0.5mm,0.55mm)}]a) --++(0mm,-3mm)--++
\draw[limb] ([shift={(-0.6mm,-0.4mm)}]b) --++(-120:5mm) ([shift={(-0.5mm,-0.5mm)}]c) --++
        (-3mm,0mm)--++(-100:3mm)coordinate (d);
\draw[ultra thick] (d) -- ++(-45:1.25cm);

enter image description here