[Tex/LaTex] latex text bold, center and link issue

formattinghorizontal alignmenthyperref

I created one doc here. It has two pages, code seems correct as per me but there are some issue with it.

  1. I used \hfill to put the title in center. IS it wrong?
  2. In email, I made only this word bold. Why next text and content appearing in bold? though it has not be assigned
  3. At group_id in page 1, I want to add link, when user click on it it should be take to Group schema. Is this possible to add link to next page(or any other page)?

Demonstration : https://www.sharelatex.com/project/5374a2ebeb2b8d651828ef64?r=380e068e&rs=ps&rm=d



\hfill \boldtitle{\textbf {User schema}}  \hfill    
\textbf {ID : }  \textcolor{red}{ObjectId }- Id do registro \\
\textbf {Name: } \textcolor{red}{ String  } - Name co usuario \\
\textbf {date: } \textcolor{red}{ Date } - Date de Cadastro \\
\textbf {ren_date: } \textcolor{red}{ Date }  -  Data de     
\textbf {email: } \textcolor{red}{ String } - Lorem ipsum dolorsitamet, consecteturadipisicingelit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minimveniam, exercitationullamcolaborisnisi ut aliquipexeacommodoconsequat. Duisautereprehenderit in voluptatevelit esse cillumdolore eu fugiatnullapariatur. Occaecatcupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa quiofficiadeseruntmollit. 

accesslog: \red { Array }
         \hbox{\textbf{date}: \red{string}  Data -- da ocorrncia.}
         \hbox{\textbf{ObjectId}: \red{Usuário} --  que executou.}
         \hbox{\textbf{action}: \red{String} --  Aço Executada.}
         \hbox{\textbf{date}: \red{string}  Data -- da ocorrncia.}
         \hbox{\textbf{ObjectId}: \red{Usuário} --  que executou.}
         \hbox{\textbf{action}: \red{String} --  Aço Executada.}
\textbf {group_id : } \textcolor{red}{ ObjectId } - Id do  grupo. 

Best Answer

For centering use the environment center. Use the mathmode only if needed. However, there are some errors in your code. A working one:

\usepackage[a4paper, total={6in, 8in}]{geometry}

\textbf {User schema}

\textbf {ID : }  \textcolor{red}{ObjectId }- Id do registro \\
\textbf {Name: } \textcolor{red}{ String  } - Name co usuario \\
\textbf {date: } \textcolor{red}{ Date } - Date de Cadastro \\
\textbf {ren\_date: } \textcolor{red}{ Date }  -  Data de 

\textbf {email: } \textcolor{red}{ String } - Lorem ipsum dolorsitamet, consecteturadipisicingelit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minimveniam, exercitationullamcolaborisnisi ut aliquipexeacommodoconsequat. Duisautereprehenderit in voluptatevelit esse cillumdolore eu fugiatnullapariatur. Occaecatcupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa quiofficiadeseruntmollit. 

\text{accesslog: \textcolor{red}{ Array }}
       \textbf{date}: \textcolor{red}{string}  Data -- da ocorrncia.\\
       \textbf{ObjectId}: \textcolor{red}{Usuário} --  que executou.\\
       \textbf{action}: \textcolor{red}{String} --  Aço Executada.\\
         \textbf{date}: \textcolor{red}{string}  Data -- da ocorrncia.\\
         \textbf{ObjectId}: \textcolor{red}{Usuário} --  que executou.\\
         \textbf{action}: \textcolor{red}{String} --  Aço Executada.\\

\textbf {group\_id : } \textcolor{red}{ ObjectId } - Id do  grupo. 


enter image description here

Hyperlinks can be set with \label{..} and \href{text}{link}. I do not really understand what you mean by "email". In general it is set with \url.