[Tex/LaTex] LaTeX Template for Newsletter/Brochure


I am looking for a LaTeX template that can be used for a brochure-like newsletter, A4 format, column-like design with optional spanning pictures, marginless pictures, marginless headlines.

I browsed a lot of repositories with Latex templates, however, most of them look too much like Latex, i.e. exhibit much too much text and standard margins. I like to focus on an elegant layout, few text, impressive pictures.

I am experienced with LateX layouting for scientific use. But this is my first reach to public outreach and I have not a single clue about how to achieve the goal. My first idea would be just using tikz pictures and text fields, but this is not an elegant way of typesetting, and as far as I know text field boxes do not float due to their fixed size.

It is important to do it in Latex rather than InDesign or Corel, because contents should be created with Markdown on a regular, automated basis.

Here is my imagination of the layout:
enter image description here

Best Answer

This is a workaround I found to be handy enough for most needs. However, it is not perfect and I am still open for other suggestions.

enter image description here

\usepackage{xcolor} % allow color!ratio
\usepackage{hyperref} % allow phantomsection

%%% figures
\usepackage{graphicx} % includegraphics
\usepackage{float} % minipage float

%%% Geometry    
\usepackage[includeheadfoot,left=0cm, right=0cm,
    top=0cm, bottom=0cm, headheight=70pt,

%%% Head & Foot

     \textcolor{white}{$\;$ version \bfseries 5}
    \textcolor{gray!30}{ \bfseries: Newsletter}
    \fancyhead[R]{\color{white}page \bfseries\thepage\quad}

% sections
        {% format
            \bfseries }
        {} % label
        {0em} % label sep
        [\phantomsection] % before

% Disclaimer box


% Introduction
    This is a newsletter presenting interesting topics.

% Content

\section{Long and catchy headline for article 1}

\section{Long and catchy headline for article 2}

\section{Long and catchy headline for article 3}

% Disclaimer
    This is the disclaimer for this great newsletter \hfill \copyright{} 2016}}
