[Tex/LaTex] Latex live preview plugin for Tiddlywiki


I did a search and looked through the "related questions" section before asking this question.

One of the wonderful things about StackExchange is its "typewriter" like live-preview below the text-edit box. Now, I am a bigtime Tiddlywiki user and as other users might know, combining TW with Bob McElrath's jsmath plugin allows you to use TW as a latex notebook. The only thing that could make this situation better (heavenly, in fact) is if there was a plugin for TW which generated live-preview a la StackExchange. If not, does anyone know if this feature is available in some other Wiki platform?

Best Answer

I am using Guy Rutenberg's LaTeX for TiddlyWiki plugin in conjunction with Eric Shulman's PreviewPlugin (as mentioned previously by Brandon C).

To get these two plug-ins to work together correctly you just need to add one line to the PreviewPlugin code. After installation, and you've confirmed that both plugins are installed and working, edit the PreviewPlugin tiddler and locate the following line in the code (it's at line 60)...


AFTER that line add this line...

MathJax.Hub.Queue(["Typeset", MathJax.Hub]);

Save the tiddler, save the wiki, and reload. It should now be working. Jump around and shout "Woot!"